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More than trinkets in your room
You can lean on my arm

"Momma! Momma!"
The blonde hair boy had took out his blinkie for the short period of time to express his happiness, before putting it back in his mouth.

"What dear?"
Chun-Hei smiled contently, her eyes closed as she gently set the dinner table with plates with silverware.

"When will daddy be home?"
Lao whined, grumbling as he harshly dropped down onto his bottom, pouting at his mother.

She turned around holding the extra silverware, she bent down to her son's height, pinching his cheeks which he giggled at innocently.
She kissed his head, before starting to put the forks away.
"I do not know dear, he was supposed to be home a half an hour ago."

Chen crawled on the ground, tugging his mother's long skirt, which caused her to glance down at him in response.
He took his pacifier out once again, while staring at his mother with all the love his little toddler body knew.

"Is uncle Miche coming?"
"He is dear."
Chun-Hei told her son, sitting down on the cold floorboards, hugging her son.

Lao ran over to her, hugging both his brother and mother, the three giggling at one another in bliss.
The doorbell suddenly rang throughout the house, which caused the laughter to die down.

Lao, innocently ran to get the door, excited to see his Uncle Miche and Aunt Hanji, expecting them to be at the door.
Chun-Hei, thinking nothing of it, shrugged it off, giving Chen a nose kiss.

"Do you love daddy?"
He asked playfully, trying to tease his mother, a light blush on his face.
"I love daddy so much, and you know something?"
Chun-Hei beamed brightly, holding her son's cheeks, staring at him, adoringly, her reflection  in the twinkle of his dark brown eyes.
"What, mommy?"

"You look just like your father, you are going to be so handsome one day!"
She laughed hugging her son.
"Mommy, why does me and Lao look different we are broth—"

Lao screamed in fear, his voice shaky, cracking as he started to sob mid-cry.

In a panic, she got up rushing down to the porch, though with her hand on the railing, taking one step down the the stairs, she paused.
Her hand on Chen's little one, tightened, as she froze, her body tense.

The man took off his hat, taking a bow at the waist, before he passed her a cold, steel-grey eyed glare from his lifeless eyes. He was a person incapable of sympathy.


He held a knife at his own son's throat in order to threaten Chun-Hei. He smirked, seeing at how surprised and shocked, she was to be in the presence of her dead fiancée.

"Hello darling.. it's been a while."

"Damn thing's in Korean...Chul-Woo! Come here!"
Erwin yelled with annoyance, flipping the paper in all sorts of ways in order to understand the foreign language.

Chul-Woo bent down, leering over Erwin's shoulder, his tongue stuck out in frustration.
"What does this say?"
Chul-Woo burst out in hysterical laughing.

"I'm a good one to ask! I left Korea when I was 6, I barely know the language. Go ask Chun-Hwa."
Erwin sighed, slamming the paper onto the ground with determination, eyeing the desired screw's length needed.

"If I ask her, she'll just say I'm useless and build the crib herself!"
"Yeah...she's really excited to set up the nursery."

Chun-Hwa happily walked into the room, with her changed paint can and paint brush, humming a cheerful tone, a freezy pop in hand.

"Still eating those damn popsicles?"
Erwin asked with a slight tone of sarcasm, smirking at her.

"My boss says they're good for the baby!"
Chun-Hwa said in defence, while she got up on the step-stool continuing to paint the old white walls, a light yellow.
"I think your boss is trying to kill your baby."

Instantly she spat out the bitten off piece and the freezy onto the ground, eyes tearing up.
"I-is s-she really?"

Over the last two months, she played into any sort of pregnancy gimmick, as she tried her absolute hardest to ensure she had the healthiest pregnancy possible. The fear of a miscarriage was always on her mind.
Erwin frowned, realizing joking about such a topic was hard for her, he got up from his slouched position on the floor, hugging her tightly as she cried into his chest.

"It's going to be alright, Chun-Hwa. You're doing everything you can."
Erwin cooed, kissing the topic of her head, rubbing her back.

She wouldn't even let poor Chul-Woo light a cigarette around her.

"Chun-Hwa stop worrying, the doctors says everything is perfectly fine."
Her brother sighed, lowering his attention for a split second which made him drop the picture he was hanging up.

He cursed in under his breath, starting to pick up the pieces, though, the room fell silent after the clash. Through his strands of hair that fell in front of his face, he glanced over at his sister who stood on the step-stool, still shorter than Erwin.

Erwin's hand tightened on her shoulder, Chun-Hwa's paint covered hand clutching her mouth, Erwin's face was also screwed up, displeased.
Chul-Woo stood up straight, taking a glance at the TV screen that both of their eyes seemed fixated on.

Chul-Woo's mouth slightly opened involuntary as well, a bead of sweat falling in between his brows.
He looked back over at the two.

"D-didn't you two go to school with Hanji...?"

"W-why is this happening!?"
Erwin yelled in frustration, he knelt down on his knees, grasping onto his blonde locks. Chun-Hwa sat down next to him, comforting him.

All Erwin could do though, was stare at Hanji's crime scene, and her dismantled body flashing on the screen, the news finally caught onto the stream of murders and warned citizens that a serial killer was on the loose.

Erwin left the room, going out to the kitchen, where he held his head tightly, while banging his head onto the counter in frustration, while whispering to himself; this isn't supposed to happened.

Chun-Hwa stood behind him, hesitantly, unsure if she should've comforted him or not. She took a step forward, when Chun-Woo stopped her, shaking his head disapprovingly.

"Why don't you go see Levi? See if there's been update on his status?"
"Y-yeah... I'll go do that.."

"I'm sorry, what?"
Chun-Hwa hissed at the lady behind the plexiglass, registering guests into the system.

"I told you, Levi Ackerman was released four days ago, the jury deemed he didn't need a court case."
She smacked her lips violently as she chewed her gum, she raised an eyebrows at Chun-Hwa over the screen in annoyance.

"Where the fuck is he then!?"
She gripped the counter, slightly yelling due to a fear, of not knowing where he was right now.
Her breathing had increased frantically.

"I don't know mam', that's not my job."

Chun-Hwa left the country jailhouse, searching for her phone in her bag. When she found it, she looked up from the screen, crossing the street when cleared to do so.

She tried calling Levi, but there was no answer.
She tried again, still no answer.

She stared at her failed call-screen, tears swelling in her eyes, as empty hole filled her.

Her mind started to race, wondering where Levi could've went. Though, no matter what she couldn't think of an answer.
Weakly she fell to the ground on her knees, not picking herself up due to the shock still in her body. She held her head, trying to process everything together.

Nothing made sense.

𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐄𝐒 + 𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐄! 𝐋𝐄𝐕𝐈 𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐑𝐌𝐀𝐍Where stories live. Discover now