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If you need to be mean
Be mean to me

Her words were still ringing
In his head. His mouth was left gape, hanging slightly open, balls of tears forming in the corner of his cyan eyes, though they didn't dare to fall down his cheeks.

He remembered her pained voice so clearly.
Her eyebrows furrowing upwards, her makeup ruined by her crying, her nose red, and her hand clutching the clothing around her chest in agony.

"Erwin...thank you... for making me go see my dad. I'm starting.. to regret not loving my family as much as I should."

Now, in the overly bright, stimulating white, clean waiting room at the nearby hospital, she sobbed onto the chair, sitting on the floor.
She banged her fist, angrily on the seat of the chair, regretting that she never spent much time with her aunt.

She was furious, but only at herself.

Levi, despite being worried and cautious about the possible dirt on the floor, sat down there, rubbing her back in small circular motions.
When her hair fell in front of her face, he would tuck it behind her ear, once more.
When her cries became overly loud, that may have cause a disturbance to other patients, he would leaned down, quietly and comforting shushing her.

She never listened though, and he understood why.

Eventually, she had sobbed so hard, she covered her mouth, stomach sick. She quickly ran off to the bathroom, to vomit.
Worried, Erwin stood up from his chair, to chase after her, before Levi quickly pushed him back down.

"Where are you going?"
He questioned angrily and bitterly towards Erwin.

"T-to see if sh-she's alright. She shouldn't be alone right n—"
"For fuck sakes Erwin! It's a woman's bathroom, you can't just go in there!"
Erwin stood back up, staring down at Levi, emptily.

"And even if you could go in there, that's my fucking job. Learn your fucking place, Erwin Smith."
Levi angrily growled, glaring up at the man intimidatingly.

"Why do I have to learn my place? You didn't seem to fucking concerned about places when you couldn't keep your fucking dog's mouth shut."
Erwin bickered through his tight teeth.

"You never knew your fucking place, when Germany won and the French still had to kept fighting I bet you were so fucking happy. You had Nile and that's old bastard on your side, I only had Chun-Hwa."
Levi hissed with a venom lace-voice.

"Shut your fucking mouth."
"Why should I? Is the 'Erwin Smith The Failure' ashamed he lied to a fucking bed-rest girl with amnesia!?"

"I said kept your whore's mother mouth shut, you fucking prostitute's mistake!"
Erwin angrily yelled, grabbing Levi's collar, and knocking him off his feet, holding him just slightly off the ground.

His breathing was erratic, he licked his lips, tossing Levi on the ground.
Levi got up, all while glaring at Erwin with his nostril flared like a bull's. His jaw was clenched, tightly.

"Oh who am I fucking kidding, a fucking whore can never keep her mouth shut, I guess her child learns from her."

Levi's voice was heard all throughout the hospital, in one swift movement, he bashed the back of Erwin's head into the stone wall, making his blonde hair become red with blood.

Levi's veins on his neck were protruded, his hair was wet with own sweat, and his face angrily red, as his blood boiled. He held his fist up high, his mouth open, showing his gritted teeth.

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