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TW: rape, self-harm, ED, lots of gore

A God.
As you break my heart

If he was being honest to himself,
He enjoyed killing them all.

In high school, two boys, Kenji and Jiro, transfer students from Japan, went suddenly missing. Their bodies were never found. Not even 7 years later.

The two often picked on Chun-Hwa for her heavy Korean accent, and one night had followed her home, secretly, scaring her and pretending to kidnap her just for shits and giggles.
The next night, they attempted to drug her, failing miserably, with the intent of taking turns using her drugged up body.

Levi knew both of their little pranks, and with his stone cold eyes, watched, laughing to himself behind a newspaper when they failed.

He threw a toaster in the bathtub, that he sat Kenji's mangled, but alive and breathing body in, electrically frying him to his death.
He made Jiro watch him as he killed his best friend, holding his eyes open from behind him, as he laughed menacingly in his ear, chuckling at the way Kenji's thin body jolted.

Jiro simply cried and screamed, apologizing for everything the two had did, pleading for his life.
He damaged his vocal cords with how much he screamed.

Levi sighed heavily, telling the boy he'd let him live as he pushed him down, breaking his jaw against the heavy tiles in the bathroom.
Jiro couldn't believe his luck, so, as any person would, he fled down the empty large field in the night's breezy air, as Levi directed him too.

His grey eyes stared at the running boy, who didn't even bother to pull his pants up when they fell off, and he chuckled at the pathetic sight in front of him, admiring it.

It was just something so thrilling, knowing he was in control of someone's fears, their emotions, and that slight bit of hope as he made them believe they would be okay and escape.

He pulled out the gun from his back pocket, watching Jiro in his final moments through one opened eye, as he aimed his shotgun.
He smirked once more, firing, watching as the boy fell bluntly, so lifelessly.

And in that moment, when the cool air nipped his skin, and blood covered his body, a emotion rushed through his body, giving him a rush of adrenaline he would forever crave.

He decided in that moment he would in fact kill for Chun-Hwa.

The next person he victimized was the nurse who allowed Erwin to see Chun-Hwa, despite her unstable condition due to her waking up from her coma.
His name was Raphael Arquette, or formally known in his past life, Doctor Fradette, the head director of the Mental Ward, Levi was admitted to.

Levi and Doctor Fradette, now Raphael Arquette were actually quite similar.

They enjoyed watching people die.

But some would say, Raphael was more humane as he enjoyed watching them die naturally. From a car crash in this life, or from too strong of a jolt in Electroconvulsive Therapy in his last life.
There was something satisfying to him, about having nature take its course that not even good ol' western medicine could save them.

But for Levi, natural death was actually saddening to him.
How sad it was, for nice people to die while scum like Jiro and Kenji were supposed to live.
There was something satisfying to him, about being a god-like figure who decided who got to die, outlawing nature's course.

He killed Raphael by beating him with a sledgehammer and giving him too much heavy drugs in his system by injecting them into his blood stream.
He sat in front of Raphael, in between his legs, observing the way his eyes became a light, muggy colour from their once vibrant green ones, as they rolled to the back of his head. He giggled to himself, when blood trickled out of his nose, and laughed harder when blood came out of his ears, eyes and mouth as well. He loved the sight and amongst his laughter, he abruptly stopped, widening his cold stone eyes.

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