Chapter Thirty Three

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Third Person's POV

Once the guys all made their way back to their respective homes and got some much-needed rest, they were summoned to La Pierre Manor for a "cocktail" party. Polo... ahem... Christopher was in his uniform; a black suit, white shirt and a printed tie with a matching pocket square. Giovanni chose a pair of winter white slacks, white shirt, a crimson jacket with thin old gold pinstripes and a crimson tie. He kept his locs tied low on his neck since he didn't know how to braid. He put on his Bvlgari Octo watch, black diamond earrings and something that he rarely wore, the ring that bore the family crest of Rinaldi. He heard talking in the living room so he figured the brothers were there. They decided that they would all ride together so if one left, they all left. After grabbing all of the items needed, he made his way to the living room.

"This nigga... really? Looking like he just walked off the runway", Lucas said when he saw Gio.

He smiled and said, "Well, I feel like I should be suited and booted for battle, right?"

Chris walked up to him, glint of lust in his eyes. He pretended to fix his tie but he just really wanted to be in his space. "You look... nice."

Gio smirked again and whispered. "Thank you, bae. You look handsome as always. You ready to do this?"

"I guess."

Gio dropped a kiss on his forehead and said, "Let's do this, then, baby boy. And when we get back, I'm smashing these cakes to pieces." He smacked the shit outta Chris' ass and he yelped.

"Ay, ay, ay! I don't care if your ass is 6-foot 7 foot 8, that's still baby brother! Don't be smacking on him like that", Rashard joked.

"Well good thing you weren't around earlier cause I did more than smack this ass", Gio said, smacking Chris again.

Lucas jumped up. "Welp, on that freaky ass note, let's go, Jello."

They all made their way to the door and for the first time, Gio noticed that Cortlandt was with them. The ride to the manor was filled with talk about the football games the next day and what parties that they would try to get into. As soon as they got out of the truck, London came out of the house with her friends.

"Gio! Hi! Oh, my gawd, you look good! Hi my brothers. Oh, look a new guy. Gio, you really look nice. Can you say something in Italian again? Oh, these are my friends, Chanel and Arnelle.

"Salve signore. Stasere sembretete tutti molto belli e fara vergognare tutti."

The girls giggled as he kissed the backs of their hands. He gave them a devastating smile and they giggled again before running back in the house, squealing.

"You sure this nigga's gay", Rashard asked Chris. "Cause I'm sure if he tried that shit on a grown ass woman, they would've thrown their panties at his ass."

"Ça ne fait pas que travailler sur les dames, sexy. Je pourrais aussi vous faire jeter le vôtre." Gio rubbed a finger softly down Rashard's face and smiled. 

For a minute, the other man was speechless. "Man, go ahead with that shit! Ain't about to be calling you daddy, Casanova."

Chris choked and looked at Gio. He smiled big as hell. They started laughing and Jordan said, "What's funny?"

"His line name is Casanova. And um... when we... are getting it in..." 

Chris started blushing like crazy. Everybody else started laughing as they all made their way into the house. They mingled with the other guests and family members. Gio was starting to have a good time until he came across Chris' dad, standing with a group of his friends.

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