Chapter Twenty Five

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Trevor's POV

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Trevor's POV

Bright lights.

That was my first thought. Bright lights everywhere. They said when you died you see bright lights. Damn, a nigga was really dead. Fuck! There was so much that I wanted to do. I wanted to celebrate my boy's birthday. Wanted to celebrate the entire month of December with Adrian. Graduate. Get married. Have some kids. Fight Da'Quan's ass again just having a big ass light bulb head and looking like a loaf of French bread for no damn reason. Ok, maybe I shouldn't have those thoughts while I was on my way to meet God. But he's a real G so he already knows that Da'Quan's ass needed to be kicked so, I think I'm good with that one. I guess I lived a good life. Just hate that it was so short though. I really do hope that God is understanding about the bodies on my list. I mean... it's not my fault. He made us so I mean... Oooh, I'm going to hell. I'm getting my transfer papers and they are sending me to hell. Well shit, I may as well have those thoughts about fighting ol biscuit face Da'Quan then. Nah nah, Trev. Calm down. Damn, does my pops know? Wonder if my mom even cares? Who's going to look after Adrian? Fuck, I love him. Glad the last words I heard was that he loved me. I'm glad I had that time with him. I hope he has a happy life... well not too happy cause... well ya know I'm not gonna be there. And he better name a kid after me. Or a damn goldfish or something. Damn, a nigga is really dead. Alright, this is it. I'm ready to go home.

"Nigga, if you don't shut the fuck up! Damn! Your ass ain't dead. Open your damn eyes."

Wait what? Why does God sound like my pops? And God is cussing? What??? This ain't in the Bible! I thought he would sound like Morgan Freeman. He got a mouth like Sam Jackson. Guess it's all in your mind. Wait do I still have a mind if I'm dead?

"No, you have lost your damn mind! Tre, open your damn eyes and stop acting a fool!"

I slowly opened my eyes and blinked against the brightness of the room. I turned my head and my pops was sitting in the chair next to the bed.


"Well it ain't Morgan Freeman, mufucka."

"I guess I'm not dead. What are you doing here? Wait... am I in the hospital?"

"I'm here because I got a call from Tiny saying that you had been rushed to the hospital. He thought you were having a heart attack."

"What happened? All I know was that I had this throbbing headache, I was feeling dizzy and my chest was really tight and I couldn't get enough air."

Pops rubbed my head and said, "Well you had a panic attack. From the sounds of it, you'd been taking on a whole lot. Classwork, frat stuff. Instead of leaning on your brothers and letting them know about the emails and calls, you tried to take it on all by yourself. Then apparently you got into an argument with Tiny and he was about to break up with you and I guess it became too much at one time."

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