Chapter Twenty Seven

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WARNING: This chapter may have some triggering effects. There's some sexy stuff but there's also some... well... just read... 

Third Person's POV

The days leading up to the party were kinda chill. The teachers weren't on that BS so the work load was really light. Polo and Adrian were out late every day of the week doing things for the party. The guys picked up their fits at the mall. Saturday morning, everyone was either trying to get fresh cuts, braids or get their locs tightened. Adrian went to Lotus and Brianna had straightened his hair. Trevor liked it so much that he was trying to keep Adrian home.

"Come on, Lil Bit. Lemme run my fingers through it."

"No, Trevor. Now stop. I'm tired. I'm going to run to the coffee shop to grab something. Do you want anything?"

"No babes. I'm gonna take a short nap. Been a long ass week. Are you gonna join me when you get back?"

"Yes, baby. Be back in about twenty minutes."

While Adrian was waiting in line to order, he wasn't paying attention his surroundings as he was engrossed in something on his phone. Just as he placed his order, someone bumped into him, spilling their coffee on him. After apologizing and offering to pay for his drink, Adrian went to the bathroom to clean himself up. As he was dabbing himself with wet paper towels, someone walked in.

"Looks like someone had an accident."

Adrian's head popped up. "What do you want, Da'Quan?"

Da'Quan turned the lock on the door. "Just wanted to talk to you without all of them other niggas around you. I've missed you, Adrian."

"Can't say the same. Now can you unlock that door so that I can leave?"

"Not until I talk to you, baby. Come on now. We had a good thing going until that black bastard decided he wanted to take you from me." Da'Quan was slowly advancing towards the smaller man. "I see you changed your hair. You did this for that nigga?"

Adrian was trying to find a way out of the bathroom but Da'Quan was blocking the door. "You really tripping. I'm not about to stand here and listen to your crazy ass. Stay the fuck away from me, ok?"

"NO! YOU ARE MINE! That nigga wasn't even checking for you until he saw that somebody else was interested in you. He was too busy fucking half of the campus. He's just a ho and you fell for his bullshit! I treated you with respect. I waited for you. But that nigga said two words to you and you let that nigga hit! You owe me for making me wait!"

He lunged at Adrian but was met with a knee to the balls, one to the stomach and an elbow in the back. While Da'Quan went to the ground, Adrian ran to the door and unlocked it. He ran out to the dining room to leave. He was in such a hurry that he forgot his drink. Jumping into his car, he sped out of the parking lot. Fuck! While Adrian debated on whether or not to tell Trevor, he ended up calling on Facetime.

"He...hey bae. What's up?"

Trevor picked up on it immediately. "What happened, Adrian? What's wrong? You sound flustered."

"Nothing's wrong."

"Is that what we're doing now, Adrian? We lie to each other? I'm going to ask you one more time. What's wrong?"

Adrian sighed and told Trevor what happened at the coffee shop. For the longest time, Trevor didn't say anything. Adrian thought the screen froze.


"Hurry and get home, Adrian", Tre said in a deadpan voice. "I'll stay on the phone with you until you get here. I'll be waiting outside."

When Adrian made it back to the house, Trevor, Empire and Majesty were outside. Before he could open his door, Trevor was there. "Come on, baby."

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