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"I can't believe it's really happening..." Ran through Stacie's mind for the thousandth time. Her heart was pounding, stomach-turning, and there was this strange numbness in her hands and feet. She stood frozen in front of the mirror in her quarters, completely zoned out, staring at herself. A light breeze from the open balcony carried a wave of cool fresh air into the room, making her slightly shudder with a sudden chill that jolted her out of her trance. She glanced at the balcony, then far beyond it, and was greeted by the rising golden disk that hung just above the horizon, looking as if it too just woke up from its slumber. A soft fogy blanket that was covering the watery surface of the ocean all through the night, was slowly ascending up into the sky as if making a way for the new day. She stared at the sunrise for a brief moment. Her head was spinning, her sight hazy. It's as if the fog from the outside seeped inside and engulfed her head.

-Honey, are you alright? - Asked her mother, coming out of the shower, and catching Stacie all zoned out.

-Oh mom, yeah. I'm fine. - Smiled Stacie reassuringly. - It's just all of this feels like a dream. I can't believe it's happening.

Stacie's mother was about to say something but suddenly was interrupted by a loud bang on the door, which made Stacie jump with a startle.

-Stacie! Hey, open up! Are you even up? - Lisa's muffled voice from outside the door reached their ears.

-Alright, hang on I'm coming! - Stacie rushed over to open the door. - Sheesh, no need to make such a fuss.

-Well, we kept calling but you wouldn't answer! - Alice barged in with Janice, Laura, and Melinda right behind her, each holding a bunch of stuff. - Like what is up with you, girl... O-oh... Good morning Mrs. Naomi! - Suddenly she halted. - I'm so sorry for all the noise, I completely forgot you were staying here with Stacie.

-No worries. I wasn't allowed to bring the baby, so it's fine. - She replied with a warm smile.

-Ah, yeah so sad you had to leave her with a caretaker for those several days. Poor thing, she'll probably miss you. It would be nice to have an adorable little flower girl.

-She's far too young to be a flower girl, Alice. - Returned Janice, pulling her to the side. - She can't even walk yet. Seriously, don't you know anything about babies? Now let's get you ready, Stee, you don't want to be late for your own wedding, now do you?

-I still can't believe it's my wedding day... I'm so nervous! - Replied Stacie, touching the cloud-like fabric of a veil carefully draped off the wardrobe so it wouldn't wrinkle.

-Girl, what have you got to be nervous about? It's not like he'll change his mind now. - Said Janice - That ship has sailed!

-I'm not worried about that... - Returned Stacie.

-Then what?

-It's the whole wedding thing! And the fact that I'm getting married today! It's so nerve-wracking my hands are shaking... - She held out her hands to show them to the girls. - I can't help it. All eyes are going to be on me... I just hope I won't make a total fool out of myself...

-Say's the one who stood on the stage before an entire Zhalian court. - Remarked Melinda.

-Somehow it feels like it's not the same thing. I was put into that situation so unexpectedly I didn't really have the time to let it get to my head and simply acted on an impulse. - Replied Stacie. - But this... It's been on my mind constantly... And I feel like I'm overthinking it and if I keep doing that, I really will mess up...

-Yeah, you are overthinking it, miss books. - Returned Melinda.

-Oh, you'll be just fine, honey. - Her mother hugged her shoulders reassuringly. - It is very normal to get some pre-wedding jitters.

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