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Stacie scanned a neatly drawn Ivar's face inside a frame one last time, to make sure everything is perfect, before wrapping it up into a brown packaging paper and tying it up with a jute string all charming, old-fashioned-like. Anyone else would probably use some fancy gift wrapping paper, but Stacie felt a little too cheesy giving a flashy looking gift to Ivar and opted out for more of a simpler style. She slipped in her thanks slash confession letter written in Satteran right before she wrapped it up. Pretty satisfied with her work, she set it aside and started getting ready for another session of her new weapon practice with Ivar. It took her several days to redraw his portrait on an actual, art quality paper, and this time she used one of the photos Alice managed to snap of Ivar during the celebration, as a reference for best accuracy. Then she placed it into a frame which she asked one of her teammates to bring back for her on their visit to earth. Stacie was planning to give Ivar this gift at their training session today, letting him know how much she appreciates everything he has ever done for her, including saving her life, time and time again. She took extra care of getting ready, putting on her best looking athletic outfit she had, neatly styled her hair into a cute bun, and added a light touch of makeup. Which she never bothered to do when she was training. She glanced at herself into a mirror, grabbed her gift, and left her room, feeling jittery from nervousness. She couldn't believe she was going to let Ivar know how she feels about him, and several times, she got far too timid thinking about it, and almost changed her mind. But, no. This is something that was weighing on her, and she won't know peace unless she does this, so she braved on.


Damaris's suspension was lifted at last, and she was allowed to return to her services. The moment she arrived at the Atlantis along with Aries, she set out to find Ivar and spotted him going somewhere, what seemed to be an abandoned part of the city. Curious to find out what's he up to, she quietly followed him, hiding her presence and staying on a distance from which he couldn't sense her. Suddenly she noticed Ivar slip away from her view, and she somehow missed where he turned. Confused, she started to search around for him, checking out every corner in the vicinity.

-Damaris! - Suddenly a stern voice made her turn with an unexpected startle. - You know my stealth skills far surpasses yours. Though you are just as capable of suppressing your presence as I am, I always know when I am being stalked.

-Sigh... Alright, you got me. - She surrendered with defeat.

-Why are you acting in such a suspicious manner? - Ivar looked at her with one eyebrow raised.

-You are the one who's acting in a suspicious manner. - She deflected his question, by throwing the accusation back at him. - What are you doing in a place like this?

-What do you mean? - Replied Ivar. - Are there places forbidden to venture into, in this city?

-No... I would think not...

-Then what kind of a question is that? The entire Atlantis is at our disposal, and we can explore wherever we wish in this place. - Said Ivar.

-That's right. I am sorry I have acted unreasonably. - She apologized, taking it as one of Ivar's days wanting to hide from the crowds. - Anyways. I just wanted to let you know that Aries has arrived along with me.

-Does he require my presence? - Ivar glanced up at Damaris with alertness.

-Not at the moment. If he shall, he will let you know himself via a communication device. - She replied. - It is actually I, who sought you out for a purpose.

-I see. And so here I am. What purpose would that be?

-I need to discuss something with you, concerning the Zhalian festival. And as a good friend, I ought to say it, before you hear it from less desirable sources.

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