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-I know you acted on Miss Maclay's behalf, but you have injured a member of our association. - Said Aries in a private conversation with Ivar, following his arrival to Atlantis later that day. - And you have to abide by the consequence of your actions. Even though I absolutely hate to do this to you, since he fully deserved it for what he has done to poor miss Maclay. But such are the rules of our protocol. Had you not stopped yourself in time, this incident could have led to dire consequences. Therefore it is only fair we show our...

-I know, Aries. - Ivar interrupted him. - I accept the penalty. I need a break from this place anyway.

-Alright. - Sighed Aries, feeling his frustration.

-But just so you know, I have no remorse for it. - He snapped. - I only stopped for her sake. To spare her mental trauma. She already fears me enough as is... - He quietly added.

-I know, my friend. - Replied Aries, placing his hand on Ivar's shoulder. - You don't need to explain yourself to me. Although, I do not think she fears you. Or has a reason to.

-You should have seen the look in her eyes. - Replied Ivar with a sting in his chest. - In any case, it's for the best. I need to put some distance between her and me. - He added and walked away.

"Sigh... This is not going well at all." Aries pinched the bridge of his nose. "I had such high hopes for miss Maclay, and everything seemed to be developing so naturally between them. What has gone wrong? Knowing miss Maclay, she isn't so easily intimidated. Especially not by Ivar. Could it be Damaris's doing? Perhaps she's gotten to miss Maclay after all?"

-That's just messed up. - Said Alice to Laura and Janice in a complaint. - Why does Ivar have to be suspended for a couple of weeks for saving Stacie?

-I agree with you. - Replied Laura. - That bastard fully deserved it. He not only broke the protocol but raised his hand against Stacie, of all people!

-I also agree but it was not up to the captain. - Said Janice. - He tried to convince Aries to spare Ivar, but Aries has to follow his own rules as a future governor. No matter how unpleasant they may be. And besides, it's only for a couple of weeks, but Frank is gone for good. Ivar will be back soon, Stacie will recover, and everything will go back to normal.

-I hope you're right. - Replied Alice. - Poor Stacie though. If it was me who caught Frank harassing her, he'd be in a coma. He should be grateful that was all Ivar did to him. What a douche. - She stated in all seriousness, and none argued with her, because they knew Alice was totally capable of that with her training.

-You have no idea how difficult it was to treat that douche without punching the lights out of him either. - Added Janice. - But as doctors, we must provide medical care to all.

-Oh, don't you worry, ladies. The punishment he's got is far more painful to him then a few broken bones. - Said Tony, coming up to their table. - He lost his position. A position for which he worked his butt off for many years. And for a dude, a hit like that is just tragic. His pride has been shattered and that gotta hurt way worse than a dislocated shoulder and a broken arm.

-He's right. - Added Melinda, joining them there as well. - He's been a thorn in my side for a while now. I'm glad he ended up doing it to himself and spared me the trouble.

Ivar couldn't get Stacie's distraught face out of his mind. He couldn't understand why she brushed him away. Had he done something wrong? Did he offend her somehow? She seemed just fine a few days ago. What happened? He wrecked his brain, trying to figure it out.

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