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Finally, their replacement had arrived by a Satteran shuttle which landed right next to the Atlantian shuttle.

-Pheew! - Whistled captain, as he stepped out of the hangers door along with the others. - That is one heck of a find!

-Indeed! - Replied a young Satteran man, that was piloting the shuttle. - Lord Ivar! We are here to take over the task, as you have instructed. - Suddenly he exclaimed, as Ivar came out to greet them.

-Very good, Kylus. We are preparing for a departure. Help us load up as much as possible onto our shuttle. Then start loading up yours, and wait for me. I will be returning tomorrow with another shuttle after I met up with Aries. Come, there is much to be done.

-Yes, Lord Ivar. - Replied Kylus.

-Oh! Captain! You made it! - Exclaimed Stacie, as the three of them entered the vault. - What a surprise! I didn't think you'd come here in person. - She laughed.

-Of course! When I was informed of this incredible discovery, how could you expect me to sit still? I had to see it for myself! - He replied. - This is incredible! - He started to look around.

-Miss Maclay. - Ivar suddenly turned to Stacie. - Would you please show Kylus what needs to be taken back to the Atlantis as a priority. Especially what needs to be loaded into our shuttle first.

-Sure... of course... - Surprised, she looked at Ivar, then shifted her gaze to a young Satteran man standing next to him. - This way. - She gestured for him to follow her

"Since when does Ivar calls me, miss Maclay? And since when does he say please?!" She wondered with a stump. "It's creepy how he so suddenly switched from mean and condescending to all diplomatic in front of his own people. Gosh, I got goosebumps! So not used to seeing him all polite and formal like that. I think I prefer him the other way better. Polite Ivar is too weird." She shuddered a bit.

-Is everything alright with you? - Suddenly asked the young man named Kylus.

-Huh? - Stacie turned to him with surprise. - Yes, I'm fine. Why do you ask?

-You just shuddered. Are you cold?

-Oh, heh... Don't mind me. I just felt a slight random chill. I don't know about you guys, but we get them sometimes for no apparent reason. - She laughed it off awkwardly.

-Is that so. - He replied. - You're Miss... Maclay, right? - He then added after a short pause.

-Yes, Anastasia Macklay. And you are Kylus, right?

-Kylus Rei'Tek - He nods in reply.

-Nice to meet you Kylus. - She smiled sweetly at him, throwing him in for a loop.

"What an endearing earthling..." He thought to himself.

Stacie showed Kulys what needed to be done and pretty soon, their shuttle was all loaded up and ready to go. After taking a good, satisfactory look around the contents of the vault, Captain decided to return back to the Atlantis along with Melinda's group, leaving Ivar's pilot, Kylus, in charge. Back in the Atlantis, they prepared several more vacant chambers, for everything that was being brought back, to be stored. Stacie, of course, being an expert in artifacts, was in charge. She had her work cut out for her. Not only she had to go through ancients data deciphering it, but she was also given the task to catalog everything that was being brought back from the Island. Finally, she was in her own plate. Surrounded and completely immersed in the priceless treasures of this incredible city and its nation, she couldn't wait to learn all that she could about it, and burned with eagerness and excitement. And of course, that means she'll have to be relieved from any chore duties.

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