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Needless to say, Lady Lidiane was very surprised to find Stacie unexpectedly turned up at her door all by herself, looking very glum, as if there was a storm cloud hanging over her head. She warmly welcomed her into her home and immediately ordered everything to be arranged for her stay here.

-Please don't hold it against him. - Said Ivar's mother, after finding out the reason for Stacie's sudden appearance. - After suffering losses in his life, he developed a tendency to be a bit overprotective. He is the same way with me. I have missed countless events because he deemed them not safe enough for me, or if the travels seemed too aggravating. It just shows how much he cares for you.

-I understand. - Said, Stacie heavily, staring at her practically untouched plate, seated at the dining table with Lady Lidiane. - And I love him for it.

-But you just can't help your passion for your calling. - She read Stacie's thoughts, peering at her with her violet eyes.

-Yes... - Replied Stacie quietly, avoiding that penetrating gaze. - I really can't. I love my profession very much and I'm good at it. I worked really hard to get where I am now, and... I don't know what I'd do if it was taken away from me.

-Dear one, having a passion for something is commendable, but purposely putting yourself in danger's way for your pursuits is reckless. - Said Lady Lidiane, gently placing her warm, soft hand over Stacie's. - You must remember, it doesn't just hurt you, but those who care about you as well. So, before you do something reckless, be mindful of the ones who love you. If you love them as well.

Lady Lidiane's tone was soft and gentle, and though she stared Stacie dead in the eyes while saying that, her gaze was full of tenderness. And for the first time ever Stacie felt this endearing mother's touch in her life, and she didn't realize how much she craved it, until now. Even though her own mother wasn't a terrible parent, she was still far too focused on her pursuits to reprimand Stacie or to nurture her in that way, even when she was back home. And Stacie was now even more aware of how unreasonably and selfishly she acted towards Ivar today. Feeling a guilty tightening in her chest, she dropped her flushed face wanting to hide it from this magnificent lady and stared at the table.

"I guess the apple really doesn't fall too far from its tree, huh... I owe Ivar such a huge apology... Here he is freaking out about a possibility that I might get hurt again or even killed, and here I am, getting upset with him about it... Doing to him exactly what I hated when my mom did it to me..." She got lost in her deep, regretful thought.

-Stacie? Are you alright? - Suddenly Lady Lidiane's expression turned concerned, staring at Stacie's downcast face. - Forgive me If I said something that upset you...

-Oh no! You didn't! - Returned Stacie with a nervous smile, looking up at her. - I am not upset at all!

-But the expression on your face said so otherwise. - Replied Lady Lidiane.

-Oh... Um... It wasn't something you said... I was just thinking, how lucky Ivar is, to have a mother like you... - Said Stacie and there was a hint of envy in her tone.

-Oh, is that so? - Chuckled Lady Lidiane. - Well, it is flattering to hear you say that, my dear. But planting seeds of resentment towards your own mother is the last thing I want to do. - She glanced apologetically at Stacie. - After all, she is still your mother, and I am convinced she cherishes you.

-Oh, no don't worry about that! I love my mother! - Repled Stacie reassuringly. - And very much! That will never change no matter what she does because she is a wonderful person. Loving, compassionate, with a huge heart towards those in need especially. But as a mother-material, she is nothing like you. She never really was good at being the mother a child needs, so I suppose, in that sense, there's a huge hole somewhere within me, which kind of makes me feel envious of Ivar.

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