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Cleo knew this exact bone. She forces herself to not lash onto Mira for holding onto something that truly came from the bone man. How the hell did she possibly get this? Did she know what Cleo did?

She looks past the withering girl and down to her dirty boots. Cleo sniffs hard. Her boots were all sandy and broken. Obviously one of the reasons  why Cleo didn't wear shoes, as they get all broken and disgusting like they look now.

Cleo directs her gaze to Mira studiously. She looked pale and cold even though she was only clad in a sleeveless shirt and tight black pants. There were remnants of sweat on her forehead which ran directly down her chest to fall beneath the V of her cleavage. Cleo wondered whether it was the man picking on her or if it was something else that made her look so frightened.

Cleo did feel proud that she stepped up and helped Mira however, besides the fact that she wasn't too fond of her or the way she stood so close to Jezio. She have herself credit for saving Mira at this moment, till she brings her thoughts to Jezio. There was obviously something going on between them. The fight she witnessed between them was clearly her being jealous that Jezio kissed another girl.

Cleo clenches teeth. Jezio really has abandoned her for other women. More than one that is.

After Cleo took her last glance to Mira and Jezio who has never taken his eyes off of her, she saw how something white and long fell from her bag. Cleo ignored it at first, but then she remembered how familiar that specific thing looked. Like a bone. So she just had to turn back and grab it before following the little sheep named Mira all around the village who ran from, hell knows what to here; only to find another sheep trying his luck.

"Thank you." Her voice is scratchy and lacks warmth.

Cleo nods her head. It was awfully strange witnessing everyone out in the open without having to cower herself in the village. She felt so free to acknowledge the villagers and their eyes clearly. Cleo was awestruck. She didn't feel the creeping feeling of being watched and judged when she came here unknowingly. She didn't feel afraid or anxious about getting caught, because this was real. She had a reason to be here without having to cover up.

Another advantage was how well she knew her place around the village from the start to the finish. It is something to celebrate with Jezio for teaching her all these niches.

Mira gently takes the bone from her and slips it into her bag all the while Cleo watched her.

She tilts her head to the side watching the side view of Mira.

Mira clears her throat and scratches the back of her neck. "It's nice to finally meet you."

Cleo brings her head back straight fast. "Aye. I wish I could say the same about you."

Mira frowns at her looking down at her lips in a split second before meeting her eyes again.

Cleo knew that look, it was a look of familiarity. Mira could be remembering her, her voice, the way she keeps herself, maybe even her face and body structure. It was her cue to leave. Now. Before things got worse with Mira finding out who she was.

"Thank you again." This time Mira bows down low. Cleo awkwardly grimaces at her and wished she could stab that bone in one of her eyes.

Cleo nods again not wanting to say too much and revealing herself or giving hints. She turns to leave quickly. She sees her guards in the distance waiting for her after she called for a bathroom break right after seeing that bone fall.


Cleo rolls her eyes and groans. Now she feels the lighting sense of deja' vu. She really couldn't get enough of Cleo could she?

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