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Turns out that the festival was this evening. Cleo wasn't shocked at all. But she was weary. Festivals like these; which Jezio mentioned to her was an easy way to get caught, which meant she had to be more cautious. This also meant that Jezio would be here. Which is another person she had to look out for.

Colourful banners, powders and various party paraphernalia dotted the central Village. But not the Crystal Waters, this area was completely cut off. Cleo particularly likes the lanterns and luminaries floating around in random trees, some were even floating about on water fountains which were ringed with strands of glittering rainbow lights. The  festival as a whole was infested in colour. The floors, the dress codes, even the walls were lathered in those colourful powders which brought the normal monotonous days to a complete stand still to that of a bright energizing and colourful evening.

Cleo has never seen the Village so lively. It is a real pandemonium here—songs are being wailed, bands are playing, almost everyone is running around covered in numerous powders splashing one another with more, their grins and laughs makes the whole festival more exciting, many couples; awfully young couples; are smooching on nearly every building close to the festival area against a wall. The center had a huge fire stretching across the whole area; of even more villagers prancing around the fire. Some lounged back against the tables filled with snacks and alcohol and many workers took this as an opportunity to sell their goods to gain more profit for their businesses. It's a win win for everyone in the Village. A night of freedom. And money making.

She was jealous she couldn't have this much fun. With Jezio it would of been even better. He would made it better for her. She wished he allowed her to come and roam about here in this festival. She would of liked it. Everyone looked fulfilled and happy. Something she lacked.

After a few turns from sloundering in the shadows and passing villagers, does she realize that her destination is almost reached. The night air in this part has quieted down, and is a lot cooler than the stuffy atmosphere back at the festival. For once in her life, she didn't like it. She suddenly wants to go back to the festival where she could watch how people enjoyed themselves.

Many buildings have quieted here and also darkened —suggesting that  no activity took place. But she finally reaches the familiar corridor. The foul scent hitting her immediately. It was so dark she couldn't see a single shape of the bone man lining the corridor —but she knows he is here. She could hear the scuttling movements of the man moving perhaps away from after hearing  footsteps. Her footsteps.

She flares up a dim flame on her one hand holding it out towards him and sees him fully.

He is sitting with his back against the wall, hugging his knees to his chest. Still in the same filthy outfit he had on before and that heavily unkempt hair. He was shivering wildly. Cold? Scared? She didn't know. But she pities him. The poor man had nothing.

"Here you are. I came to check up on you. I brought you coin." She forms a ball of glowing fire from that flame instead and sets it afloat above them, but not too bright as to draw attention of other villagers who might be lurking around.

The man looks at her with wide eyes. His mouth is full of dried blood, many dried up  rivulets has run down his chin and throat, and the poor man didn't even bother clean it up from even  a nearby fountain. Cleo should of done some healing in his mouth after she burned off his tongue. She wasn't thinking straight that time. But she had to do it. The man not being literate was a bonus for her, she couldn't risk him being out there telling everyone he saw her. And now he couldn't write to anyone either. But the least she could do was to spare him his life. Which she did. Even if it was for a few more years.

He tries to speak but all that leaves his mouth is a bunch of jibberish. It looks uncomfortable, the movements of his mouth is awkward and definitely not normal. This makes her feel worse, she feels a sharp tugging at her heart. He might need some medicines. Cleo will resort to finding him a healer to heal his bleeding tongue.

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