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Cleo didn't realize how soon they would reach the tower, if felt like decades to get to this point and yet here they were.

She peeks out through the window way, immediately coming face to face with tall massive trees circling a taller dark edifice.

It wasn't at all what she pictured it to be, she actually didn't know what to expect in general, but it certainly wasn't what she was seeing before her.

The horses came to a halt before the ruined building and faster than a blink of an eye, Cleo hopped out of the carriage and didn't wait for any guard else to accompany her; before standing before the tower.

It has no fencing around, save for poison ivy and thorny bushes growing along the walls of the ruins. The foliage was so thick, it looked like an abandoned building. She could tell it was painted before a creamy colour but is now peeling and bubbling right off.

Her boots crushes the dry leaves beneath her as she makes her way to the mausoleum like entrance, which seemed like the only entrance to the building unless they searched the back; and the building stood towering above her, blocking out the rich shining sun through the naked trees, making it look like cobwebs displayed onto them.

She could tell that the place was dead. If there was something more than dead, then this would be it.


It looked nothing like a Tower, she didn't know why everyone called it a Demon Tower. The edifice stood tall but so empty. It didn't even look as if there was life in here.

It looked almost like her Court, with the many springing turrets and flanking towers jutting from the main keep. The only component that made this different from a medieval castle was the absence of a surrounding wall— as in its place was thick flora and shrubs.

She wouldn't believe anyone if they were to say that this place  was contaminated with Demons, not for one single minute. It was more empty than herself.

She scans the perimeter the same way she does when she crosses the boundary separating the Village from the Court. Seeing nothing else, besides trees and more trees, and even more shadows and birds, she turns to find the majority of her guards at her back.

"Are you certain this is the place? It doesn't even scream Dark Tower."

Her young King of the Guard, just like her scans the ruined idle uninhabited building over her shoulder. His blue eyes zapped all over the holes and gaps in the building just like she did; that could of been caused by war, force or since it is a vacant structure — erosion; making it look like cheese with holes in it.

His blue eyes are knitted together as he meets hers. "This is what the map says, all directions leads to here."

Cleo nods. "I guess we're going in then."

He shakes as if someone ran a snake down his back. "Already?"

She sends a dumbfounded look his way. "What do you want to wait for then? Your mother to give you permission to enter a forbidden world. Please. Grow up."

She scoffs then and makes her way to stand before the mausoleum entrance. She supposes this small entrance would lead to the provocative vivid world inside.

Behind her she could hear the young man send out commands to search the perimeter front and back as he will enter with her.

He was supposed to be protecting her as she bid her entrance , but Cleo thinks that it was the other way around. As usual.

The door of the mausoleum is a dirty white filled with deep grooves of scratches and dents leaving black and debris in those crevices. She could only assume that it was the work of the demons. Either getting tortured against this door or trying, no; begging to be let in.

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