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Adelaide was right about one thing. The dress did go well with her eyes, like gold and silver. But why did she not feel beautiful in it? She turns to see how the dress made her bottom pop out, through the cracked mirror in the bathroom, and cringes incessantly. It hugged her body nicely around the waist and bosom and fell down to her feet softly and light.

She doesn't know the exact material it was made from, nor did Adelaide elaborate about it when Mira came to pick it up this morning with the coin she took from the blue pouch — but it is made from something similar to silk, very airy, light and cool to her body, allowing her  to not heat up like a furnace inside of it.

She feels a tad bit guilty about taking the coin, but she really had no more money to pay for her dress. And she felt awful about asking Adelaide if she could borrow one again; so she decided to be discreet by hiding the pouch away and taking only a few to pay for this dress. It all involved the Elemental anyway. So she wasn't doing anything extreme she believed.

She sighs and looks back down to her dress again. She loved the material and everything else, but not the way she looked in it. Actually just simply thinking about what she was going to do made her belly rumble and turned her mouth sour as if someone sprayed vinegar inside of it. She places her hand over her mouth feeling the bile surface up and then she gags and kneels down over the privy vomiting her guts out.

Hell, the taste of it was exactly how she felt. Now she had to brush her teeth again. She can feel tears coming down her cheeks as she heaves out more liquid, that looked disgustingly yellow, like her tea this morning. She spits out her saliva, wipes her mouth with paper and makes her way to sit on the pot— all the while closing her eyes and relaxing her lungs.

She breathes away and allows the warm air coming from her open window down the hallway  to wash over face.

"Are you alright child?"

There stood the ever beautiful Grasel. Mira couldn't believe that she was happy to see her standing before her, like a mother coming to the aid of her child. She as usual wore her shawl and looked adoringly down at her, standing at threshold of the bathroom.

Her hair is up in its usual chignon but her eyes looks dull as well as her skin. There was a blue hue in her skin, Mira noticed it long ago; but she never seemed to complain about it.

She sighs and wipes her mouth again before getting up and throwing it in the privy and flushing away. "Aye thank you Grasel."

She rinses her mouth with cool water, expanding her cheeks and gurgling her throat with some mint.

"If you feel ill, then perhaps you shouldn't go."

She takes the towel she used to dry herself after she just bathed and pats herself dry before meeting Grasel's eyes. "I am not ill. Just nervous."

If only she could decline the offer of going in the first place.

Grasel chuckles under her breathe. "Nervous for an event that's not even yours? I find that absurd."

Mira can only smile back folding the towel in the meantime to not give off the sense of her underlying situation and real nervousness. "I heard that some people faint when they met the Elemental for the first time."

Grasel chuckles again not seeming to even glimpse a hint of her distress, before beginning to turn out. "Come let's get you some tea to calm the nerves and to prevent you from fainting."

Mira quickly stumbles to her room laying her towel on the bed to dry, before groaning at herself.

Was she really going to do this? She could run away with Jezio and never come back to make sure he lives. She could have reported this, could have gotten her own assassin crew to protect her or at least tell Grasel. Or someone.

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