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Cleo is only vaguely aware of what is actually happening. The woman kept repeating the same things over and over again, and to make matters worse Cleo couldn't make out a single thing of what she was saying, so whatever instructions and positions she squeaked out — Cleo looked to the rest of the maids and by some unknown miracle they understood everything she said, and she followed suite.

So in this case, Cleo could fire this woman with her miserable mouth and follow her servants' directions instead and actually take in to what they said and did, because they spoke a lot clearer than this High Mistress did. Cleo actually forgot who this Mistress was and what she did, the minute Landon invited and introduced her to them. It was also quiet satisfying to see how fond Landon was of her, especially in the exuberant way he introduced her and watched her with such a big smile on his face it brought butterflies in her belly. But after she started shrieking orders Cleo immediately knew it was the Mistress from hell.


It was lovely seeing Landon happy.

She detests this woman however; Cleo doesn't even think that this woman is all too bright either, and she could definitely blame her lack of speech entirely on her teeth. Her two front teeth extended over her bottom lip so it made her look like a bunny, and a bit more ignorant and dense; but then Cleo also couldn't help but to frown at the rest of the maids following her lead so perhaps the problem layed with Cleo. But like Jezio says, it takes a dull person to understand a dull person. So she didn't know.

"That's it ladies! Spread the legs as far as possible." The High Mistress, also know as Mabel Dake screeches at them with her rabbit teeth. She smiles with those teeth at Cleo and the maids surrounding her in the ballroom, which they set up specifically for this event, moving the chairs and tables around to accompany them in the middle and she nearly flinches at how those teeth were looking at her—with pure judgment. Her teeth looks brighter than the light coming in through the long arched windows.

Mabel's hair was up in a tight bun on the top of her head and her arms are outstretched straight above her, over her head. Her brown eyes however sparkled with warmth and enjoyment. Mistress Dumbo seemed to be having an exquisite time with this. It is clearly evident that she was trained and highly skilled in this... Stretching field, because by all the fluent and swift easy movements of her body — Cleo had to gawk at how she hasn't fallen over and broken herself already, and it suggests that she has been doing this forever already. Maybe even through the previous Elementals, before her time.

Cleo is also the only one to be struggling with these activities. Not struggling. Suffering. This feels worse than her thighs when they were scorching her inside out. She couldn't even spread her legs as far as any of the other women did, hell some maids legs were stretched so wide open it looked as straight as a knife. And her arms stretched above her couldn't even straighten like the others —hers were bent and she was straining in this position she was in. Her face feels too hot and she was so exhausted, if she cared she would feel embarrassed in front of Landon and Kaleb for how difficult she was reacting to this. But unfortunately today, her mood is one of those where she didn't give a single damn.

"And lean forward to touch the ground nice and gently and slowly, make sure the core is tight." And without any strain or hustles Mabel was down, her face touching the ground.

Cleo's face fills with disgust, her face? Touch this dirty floor? Seeing everyone down she immediately sits up and places her arms down and she swings her legs back into place. Fuck this.

"Miss Mabel? I hope this is our bout now." She tilts her head to the side and immediately the pale face of the mistress shoots up, her eyes wide and her teeth even more lucid.

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