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Cleo's eyes opens for a second seeing a tweak of light till she hears scuttling around and she feels a warm presence before her. Her eyes just couldn't open she was that exhausted. Her body feels dead. If she knew death would feel so bad she wouldn't have ever considered taking her life.

Her eyes flutters open but it was blurry— she couldn't make out anything before her. The person tips some foul liquid into her mouth making her choke, she tries gagging it out but the person kept her head down against the hard surface beneath her and her weak body refused to aid her before she was gone again.


Cleo slowly opens her eyes again, and immediately shut them because the light blinded her and she groans softly at her paining eyes. She wiggles her fingers and toes— they're intact. But her fingers hurt, which reminds her about the scraping of the walls and the scratching of Ezra's hands earlier. That makes her eyes open wide blinking several times through the light.

Her body still feels weak and she just couldn't seem to lift herself up; her body aches everywhere. Absolutely everywhere. From her huge migraine to her dead legs. Her head hurt the most of all, she could only gently place her hand on her forehead until she saw the dried blood all over her fingers mixed with little soot stains that were half washed out.


Did she kill Ezra?

She can't remember anything after he pushed them both over the cliff. One thing she did know was that she didn't hit the rocks which means that at least Ezra spared her.

She tries arching her back anything to try to bring her strength back, but nothing works. She just couldn't move. Her hands moves to her mouth and she feels some dried liquid at the corner of her mouth. She gasps as she remembers the someone who is obviously Ezra— that forced some abominable liquid down her throat. She gags as she can still taste the atrocious thing at the back of her throat.

She is alone in the room, there is no sign of Ezra anywhere. She lays flat on her back in the stone house and her back scraped massively against the rough texture of hard rock.

She could only see the top of the house, and still there is the exact same symbol of the interlocked circles on every surface of the low roof. She starts panting hard and tries with all her might to lift her head up letting her chin touch her chest and she sees several green-stained vials all empty laying on the floor not too far from her.

Ezra has been making her drink this how many times already?

She knows it's nothing good too. He could be poisoning her. He already tried to kill her even though he joined the suicide mission with her. But his hard body — she's sure he didn't even feel a thing.

After her failed attempts of sitting up and her bloody body just refusing to do so, she decides to just lay there. Perhaps after a little nap should she feel better.

Almost immediately after she lays down with a deep breathe did she hear scuttling at the doorway— within seconds she lifts her head up just to see Ezra coming in with wood in his hands.

He drops it and sprints towards the wooden shelves at the floor filled with more of the green vials but Cleo was quick too. She flames her entire right hand; half surprised that her powers weren't as weak as she was.

"Drug me one more time, and I'll burn you alive." She threatens him, she groans as she finally made it into a sitting position her core screaming in agony.

Ezra opens his arms in surrender, he watched the flames in delight but she could still the death look in his eyes.

He meets her eyes with a chagrin expression. "I wasn't drugging you. It's a sleeping brew."

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