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"Poor guy." Mira pouts and tilts her head to the side all the while regarding the scene playing before her.

"He saw it coming Mira. He clearly couldn't keep his cock between his legs." Adelaide scowls, looking all too satisfied at the poor man getting whacked by his wife or partner or whatever, with a washing cloth.

The man raised his arms up in surrender trying to be consoling but she has nothing of it as she keeps whacking him her eyes wide with fury. The man's pants lay at his ankles as he kneeled before his now will be ex partner, his genitals exposed. The woman he slept with stood a few feet away from them, way younger than the wife herself as the young  girl  holds her dress tightly against her chest, tears streaming down her face.

Most of the other residents has resolved to watching the scene through windows at the highest piers laughing their asses off. A huge amount of villagers has also formed a tight circle around them, some watching with humor and others with shock. The women were mostly the ones who were shocked.

"You think a young girl is better than me?!" The wife screeches with another whack on his face.

The man's mouth was shaking trying to hold back tears, "No Portia of course not. I love you. It's always been you, just please don't kick me out."

"That decision was made as soon as I saw you taking her on our-my bed!"

A few young boys that looked about ten years old were pointing to the part between the man's legs giggling and made hand gestures showing a pinkie finger —which clearly signified it was small, and wailed tremendously. What did little ones know about genitals? Mira only clicked her teeth.

The more older men stood gawking at the younger girl's bottom. The dress she held only covered her breasts and her front but not her behind. Mira even saw some men trailing behind her discreetly wanting to poke her there, but just assuming from the girl's looks she'd probably enjoy it, but when they did poke her the girl scolded at them and scowered away; just for them to come closer and to do it again.

Mira takes a closer look at the girl and with a shocking realization she sees that it was that waitress that served them a few days ago in the tavern they were in with Kaleb.

She immediately turns to Zalaena beside her, but Z was watching the girl. From where they sat on a bench — their feet plastered on the seat of the bench; was enough to see the entire scene but also to not gain any attention in the bungalow area. The tree kept them hidden in the shadows of the scorching hot day.

She sat in between the two girls their usual position; but today they were going to spend time at the markets to have a shopping day but after they came to fetch Adelaide the scene unfolded before them and since then they've been too tiresome to continue it and just spent the morning lounging about on the bench.

"Wait Zalaena isn't that the girl you followed home that night?" Mira wishes she could wash Adelaide's mouth with soap. But Adelaide didn't care or see how Zalaena's face looked watching the girl.

Zalaena without steering her gaze away from the girl answers."Yes it was. She wasn't interested, she thought of me as a mere girl."

"Ugh, that bitch. Well then I don't feel bad anymore." Adelaide pouts and flicks her hair over her shoulder.

"You didn't care in the first place Adelaide. I wonder what happened here though. Is she a prostitute or something?" Mira frowns.

The girl came towards the wife to try stopping her from whacking the man but the wife just whacked her too, and immediately she scounders away letting the dress fall to the floor; as she runs away and dissapears deeper into the rounding aisles of the bungalows.

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