Chapter 32 ~ Successful Crimes

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28th of June 1796

~Y/N's pov~

I held the warm teapot in my hands as I walked closer back towards the room. My hands were shaking in there roots and my body steadily balancing itself out. I sighed slightly and looked ahead, the warm sunlight beaming out of the window in the small room was leaking out like golden syrup onto the red carpet, my eyes fluttered at this sudden burst of light as I walked back inside the room. George was sitting down and smiling while reading a small book.

"Y/N you're back! What happened?" He questioned. I smiled slightly and chuckled, "Your brother kept adding silly ingredients so I made the tea instead." I replied. George grinned and put down his book to grab the teapot from me. "I've got to try it then Y/N, if it's made by you then I'm assured it's wonderful." He beamed. I nodded and chuckled, "Only the best for you, love." I replied.

George chuckled and poured the rusted coloured tea into the delicate china cup. He grinned again and gently place the teapot on the table. "Are you going to have any love?" He smiled. I rubbed the back of my hair and grinned, "I'm fine, I think my sick feeling has subsided." I remarked. George nodded and he took a sip from the teacup. His right eyebrow raised slightly as he tasted the tea.

"Tastes odd, what did you add?" He questioned. I looked at him confused and smiled, "Tea, and water. Like normal George." I explained. George looked at me sourly and put down the teacup. "I don't feel so good." He mumbled. My eyes widened and I moved towards George. "George, what do you mean?" I urged him. George looked up at me and held my shoulder.

His pale eyes closed and his body slouched onto mine. My voice trailed off and I felt my heart sink with devastation. I could still feel George's warmth nonetheless, his heart still thumping gently.

But his whole body was still and only faint breaths were being expelled from his being. I shuddered slightly and held George tightly as I lifted him back onto the Chair. I panicked slightly as I paced around the room.

I realised what had happened. I scoffed to myself and realised that Edward's scheme was successful, except for one key detail. See the poison I formerly used and Edward currently, requires two steps. One poison has the effect of being able to paralyse a person and leave them unconscious depending on the dosage. While the other poison was simple rat poison, that when combined with the first poison instantly kills a person.

Luckily enough I had just stopped Edward from putting the last poison in and unluckily he had managed to add the paralysis poison. My heart panicked slightly when I was swiftly reminded of the antidote, I quickly ran towards the door. Before I could exit the room I ran into someone. My eyes widened and the familiar face of my own son came into view.

He looked at me in confusion then panic as he ran over to my father. I strutted reaching out to him but he ignored me. He moved his hand towards George's heart before turning back to me. I backed away slightly and felt myself yet again hit against someone. My eyes widened again and I turned around to see Edward. "Uncle grab her. I'll go get the doctor." He commanded. Edward nodded and grabbed my waist, pulling both my arms to my back as he restrained me. Frederick meanwhile burst out of the room bolting out and telling for help.

Edward meanwhile moved his face towards mine. He grinned and held me still. "Don't think I'd give that easily Y/N. With you out of the way, killing my brother will be a piece of cake." I struggled in his grip and tried to shake away. He chuckled again and turned around. Frederick, a doctor and a number of guards flooded in, Frederick and the doctor ran towards George while the guards took me from Edward, apprehending me in think metal shackles.

"I didn't do it! It was Edward, he's been trying to kill George!" I yelled out as the guards restrained me. Frederick turned around at me and glared at me with disgust. "Now you're blaming his own brother? I should have never trusted you to be alone with him!" Frederick yelled. Tears soon began collecting in my eyes, the cold liquid cascading down my eyes as I called out. "Frederick, please! I wouldn't do that I love him!" I yelled. Frederick walked towards me and hit me across my face.

A stinging feeling latched onto my skin causing my tears to worsen. I covered my face with my palms and the guards behind me held my arms. I tried to struggle but there was no use.

Frederick turned back to his father and hugged his unconscious body. Tears fell down Frederick's pale face and he muttered to himself. I tried reaching out towards them but it was too late.

Edward shut the door as I left, smiling knowing full well that he no longer had to worry. My death meant only one thing, success to his crimes.

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