Chapter 2 ~ Absolute Truth

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10th of October 1795

~Charles's pov~

The sights and noises around me filled the air. My legs were slightly unstable feeling solid ground for the first time, yet I felt myself feel safer than ever.

My mother was holding my hand as we wandered the crowd. People cheered smiled and chattered amongst themselves as they all crowed towards the boat. I looked up at my mother who was searching the area. Her e/c eyes moving about the general notion of the crowd. What was she even searching for? I hadn't had a clue, because the only thing on my mind was where on earth was I? I looked around for even the slightest clue.

I felt my mother tug on my hand again and she smiled down at me. I smiled back softly and her head turned. She started to race towards a gap in the crowd, pulling me along as I scraped pass different people. Everything was so abrupt, my senses lost themselves only numbing as mt eyes drifted towards the burning sun. I felt the laser l like scold of the sun as it shone upon my skin.

My skin was always so delicate, and I could only ever spend a few minutes in the sun before I'd burn really badly. Of course, my mother was to busy dragging me along to notice the pink burn forming on my face. I closed my eyes slightly and bowed my head to shield it from the sun. I felt my arm being tugged at again and I lifted my head up to see the city around me.

Buildings everywhere all neatly stacked together as people strolled around peacefully. My mother slowly down in her pace and gripped my hand tighter. I looked up at her and saw her eyes fixating on a house in the distance. My eyes widened with curiosity and she walked forward pulling me closer to her.

I looked ahead at the humble little house, I couldn't believe someone could live in something so small. I smiled curiously and skipped along with my mother, who's gaze was still directed at the small cottage. We walked towards the house with the pace picking up.

My mother never looked so enamoured by something that it made me question why. Soon we both arrived at the doorstep of the small house. My mother paused for a second as a small smile crept across her face. I looked at her even more confused as I latched onto her other hand.

Her eyes quickly glanced over at me and she smiled warmly. Her hand made its way towards the door and her knuckles gently knocked on the door. She kept her hand there, frozen, as we both waited for whoever lived in this humble house. Soon the oak door opened and the face of a woman who looked just a little younger than my mother greeted us.

Her eyes were wide with joy and her hands covered her mouth. I looked to see my mother's reaction and saw small tears burrowing down her face. She leapt towards the other woman and they hugged each other tightly.

I didn't know what this was about, but yet I felt a small feeling of warmth. I grinned slightly and stayed still.

~William's pov~

Staring down at the words on the page. I sighed slightly as I shut the book. Everything had been so slow and boring lately, and every inch of my body craved something more.

School had been cancelled for a month due to a fire that burnt down half the school. Which left me to slowly die inside as I waited and waited for school to return. Of course, I didn't like school, but I was slowly going insane with the lack of socialising I had done. This was mainly my own fault though, see I had been distancing myself from my friends for quite a while, and now I didn't really feel like talking to them.

I felt slightly guilty for doing so but yet I think it was for the best. I was wrapped up in all this business of trying to dismantle monarchy that it was too dangerous for my friends. So I stayed home, reading and trying to make sense of my life.

"William!" My mother called out behind me and I sighed, turning myself slightly. I looked and saw her with another woman and a small, slightly sunburnt boy. I put down my book on the side table and stood up awkwardly. My mother smiled and she looked at me. "William, this is my cousin Y/N." She grinned. My eyes lit up and I looked at Y/N slightly fazed, "Wait your Queen Y/N?" I questioned. Y/N nodded and she glanced down at the boy.

"I would prefer to be called Y/N or Ms L/N, William. But yes I was the Queen, well before the plan anyway." She explained. I nodded slightly and looked at the boy next to her. Y/N saw this and smiled as she ruffled his dark blonde hair. "This is my son, Charles. I don't really know what last name I'm giving him. But he is my son nonetheless." She smiled cheerfully. I chuckled slightly and looked at my mother. My mother looked at me and smiled, "Y/N and her son are staying with us until they can afford a home." She explained.

I nodded and I realised something, "Ms L/N why isn't Frederick with you?" I questioned. Y/N looked at me slightly fazed and she chuckled nervously, "Well I think he's old enough to look after himself." She replied. I nodded slightly and I felt a hand place on my shoulder. I looked and saw my father who was smiling at Charles and Y/N. "You two are finally here. I'm guessing the plan didn't go exactly too well, plan." He joked. Y/N scoffed playfully and she smiled. "I guess."

My father smiled again but this time his eyes fixated on Y/N stomach. He looked slightly confused but Y/N gave him and my mother a glancing look. Everyone became deathly silent and only the sound of the wind blowing into the house was heard. My father coughed awkwardly and my mother quickly spoke up. "Well we better eat then, I'm guessing you two are hungry." She smiled at Y/N and Charles.

Charles grinned and Y/N hugged him slightly as we all walked towards the dining area. I smiled slightly feeling obliged to be joyful as my mind pondered. I knew about the plan but something was off. I didn't know why, but I think I wasn't being told the absolute truth.

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