Chapter 13 ~ Finally Have The Key

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9th of March 1796

~Y/N's pov~

It was dark and late, both Caroline and Charles were both fast asleep. I was still so tired out from giving birth to Caroline, yet I couldn't even close my eyes for a second.

Now with two kids to protect, I couldn't bear to keep my eye off them knowing that George was still searching out for us. I couldn't make the same mistake and get comfy, I wouldn't let Caroline ever even meet or know her father and I wouldn't let George know that he even had another daughter.

Because there was something all three of my elder children had in common, they were all corrupted by George. Before we were kidnapped and taken back to England, Matilda and Frederick were such curious and confident children, but as the year ticked by living with George, I noticed their whole demeanour became timid.

See George liked being in control, he liked having security and dominance but the problem was it made everyone around him have to follow his exact command. Even if his intentions were to protect us, he did no good by sheltering us with strict rules. And that was the reason I couldn't live with him, he never took no for an answer, even if I was already crying and begging he would just tell me it was because he loved me.

But he didn't understand that it wasn't love, because I didn't feel loved, I felt hopeless, shameful and a disgrace. I didn't feel like a Queen, I felt like a toy. A toy for George to excite himself with and distract himself from his own madness. But here in America, I felt as if I was myself. I didn't have to pretend to smile, and I didn't have to pretend to love George.

I was free to be myself, do whatever I could've done in the last 20 years of my life. Sure I wasn't a young 23-year-old woman anymore, but I still had my life ahead of me.

I looked at Charles sleeping and took a deep breath, he was sleeping so peacefully. He didn't look so pale and sick anymore, he seemed as if just being here cured whatever illness was plaguing him. I smiled and noticed he was holding an envelope in his hands. I looked at him slightly confused and walked towards him and gently grabbed the letter. I then sat back down and opened the letter. I unfolded the piece of paper and began reading.

My dearest, Y/N

After months of consideration, I have come to terms with my emotions and our marriage and decided the best option now is divorce.

I know for years you've begged me to do so, but now I see why we should have. Our relationship offers nothing to each other, I also realise that it is likely that this is my fault. In my youth I was too ambitious, being 30 at the time we met I was scared to be alone and so I took to opportunity in front of me and made you my wife.

I will assure you now that I am a changed man, although I know that I couldn't make you smile or love me truthfully. I want you to know that I will miss the days of us being together, snuggling in bed with our children. But I think it'll be better for both of us, as much as it pains me to do so, we will go ahead with the divorce process.

Of course, to sign and officiate such a process I would need your presence back here in England, this, of course, is important as we both need to sign the divorce papers together to make sure they are authentic. I hope you take this into consideration as a divorce will be the simplest way to ease our relationship.

If you do not arrive here by my birthday (June 4 if you forgot) I will take that as you wanting me and immediately send a group of men to retrieve you.

I hope you understand and I looked forward to seeing you in about two months time, but for now my love I hope you and Charles are well. I hope you two are smiling and happy even to if I'm not there to see it.

Sincerely, King George III

My hands froze and I felt a smile form on my face, something in my heart was gone, I felt relieved and happy, so much so that I felt like jumping up and down. I couldn't believe it yet I could.

I was finally going to be able to live here in America without the anxiety of knowing I could be taken back to England. I could live knowing that I wasn't leaving a man across the sea heartbroken and I could finally have freedom.

All I had to do was take the key, just like I did all those years ago, except this time it was a key to my freedom. The only thing was that I would have to do was leave Charles here and take Caroline with me. Charles was old enough to be left here, but Caroline was a baby, a newborn baby to be precise. That meant she needed me.

But I was still going. I didn't really have much of a choice anyway, it was either get divorced and get this whole thing over and done with or get kidnapped again and be forced to live out my days in solitude with George. It was easy to see my best option and there was no point on dwelling, I needed to get to England before George's birthday otherwise I'm screwed.

I needed to leave as soon as possible. The problem was that I was still weak, it would take at least another week for me to be ready to travel on a two month period and even then it wouldn't be pleasant.

But I was ready, all I had to do was get better and get out. So that I could finally live in relief and know that I was going to be free. Free from this life that has been holding me back for the past 20 years.

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