Chapter 17 ~ Bitter

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4th of May 1796

~Charles's pov~

One month. Yet everything was still the same since my mother left. Just today I felt like walking home myself. Of course, I still went to school with my friends and I still played with them and when scavenging in the forest. Everything was basically the same except for the fact my mother wasn't here.

But I was fine, she was coming back soon anyway. Besides Mr Alfred was quite kind to me. He had taught me a few things that I had no idea existed until this point. He felt like my real father, of course, he wasn't but the slight resemblance of our hair and eyes could make one think we were related. But looks didn't really bother me, because he let me grow and enjoy life.

My father always kept me sheltered from the world like I was too pathetic to even see anything. I mean the sickness thing was a good reason for a while until I realised what I really needed. I needed to move around, explore and get exposure to all the things making me sick and soon my body would build a resistance to them. It was so fundamentally simple and yet in the 12 years I lived with my father not once did he even think to let me even see a glimpse of the outside world.

I know that when I was born I was sick, and I know that I was about to die. But that's not me anymore. I'm not Charles the Prince on the edge of death, I'm just Charles. A boy who likes going outside and playing with bugs, a boy who fell over in the mud once and liked it and the boy who wasn't afraid of dying like before.

I smiled to myself and felt the gush of wind blow my golden hair up. I chuckled slightly and breathed in the cold air. But then I felt a slight stinging pain, I breathed out and bent down cupping my hands over my mouth in efforts to draw in warm air. I felt a cough rising in my chest and I let out a few painful coughs. I closed my eyes tightly and knelt down on the gravelly road.

I looked down at my palm and saw a few small droplets of blood. My eyes widened slightly and I quickly wiped my hand on my shirt. I stood up and continued walking. I couldn't let Mr Alfred know that I even coughed once because he was adamant that if I were to get sick I would have to stay inside more often.

I didn't want that to happen, so I had to hide whatever evidence of my coughing fit that was needed. Then I could go back to enjoying my life. I continued walking down the dirt path, kicking the dirt as I picked up sticks and threw them into nearby puddles of mud. Soon I reached Mr Alfred's house and stood at the door yawning slightly.

I then noticed the sound of two people talking. I furrowed my brow slightly and walked around the outside of the house and to where the sound was coming from. I soon came across a window and saw Mr Alfred with another man.

"Alfred, I know you promised to look after him but this is really dangerous!" the other man urged. Mr Alfred eyes diverted sideways and he looked at his palms. "I respect your concern Mr Hamilton but I can't fail Y/N like this. Besides if I can't look after Charles, who will?" He questioned. Mr Hamilton sighed as well and rubbed his temple. "Alfred, if Y/N doesn't return and George keeps her, he'll also try and find his son. And if he finds you with Charles then he'll kill you, Alfred."

Mr Alfred wiped his face and folded his arms. "So what? Y/N is the only family I have left and if she gets captured by George then I should at least look after son! I mean the poor boy had already been through so much, abandoning him is the worst thing to do!" He stressed. Mr Hamilton's bowed his head slightly and looked at Mr Alfred. "Very well then, but I urge you to be cautious. As much as we did win a war against the British, I'm sure they'd be able to kidnap a 12-year-old boy." He spoke.

Alfred's expression of stress faded away and he sighed. Mr Hamilton walked towards the front door and he soon disappeared. Mr Alfred sat down on one of the couches and held his head upon his palms. I looked at him guilt-ridden and quickly ran towards the front door. I opened it quickly and ran into the living room. "Mr Alfred I'm home!" I exclaimed and hugged him tightly. Mr Alfred lifted his head and chuckled slightly.

"Good to see you, Charles. Are you hungry?" He smiled. I nodded and he stood up walking towards the kitchen. "Ok, then how about we make that sandwich thing you were talking about." He smiled. I nodded and I ran towards the kitchen bench. Mr Alfred let out another giggle and I looked up at him.

"Thank you."

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