Chapter 6 ~ I'll Try

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2nd of December of 1795

~Charles's pov~

Walking up to the door I observed the class of children each sitting in desks which were placed in rows. The teacher Mrs Ansel, smiled her chocolate brown eyes staring back at me. I shuffled towards her and stared awkwardly at the class.

"Good Morning class, I'd like to introduce you to our new classmate. Care to tell them your name?" She smiled down at me. I nodded and looked ahead at the class. "Charles Fitzroy," I replied. The class started at me blanky and Mrs Ansel placed her hand on my shoulder.

I felt so small compared to all the other kids, and it didn't help that the teacher was placing me near a kid who was taller than average. I sat down in the chair and looked ahead. The teacher brought out a small book and she started calling out names.

"Alison George!"

"Here!" A young girl with strawberry blonde hair responded and the teacher ticked off her name. "Thomas Hobson!"

I boy with dark hair and even darker eyes put his hand up and responded. "Here!" The teacher smiled and called out another name.

"Percy Kingsley!" The boy next to me put up his hand and glanced down at me. I smiled slightly and the teacher continued to call out names.

"Judith Smith!"

"Adam Frederickson!"

"Amelia Dotter!"

"Henry Augustus!"

"Edward Greenwood!"

"Ernest Williams!"

"Sophia Edelweiss!"

The teacher then stopped and started to talk. As soon as the first words started to fall out of her mouth, I began to daze and watch the world from outside the window.

"Hey, Charles?" I quiet voice whispered next to me and I turned my head. The boy, Percy was smiling at me. "Yes?" I replied. Percy smiled and moved closer to my ear. "Do you want to hang out with me and my friends?" He questioned.

"Hang out?" I questioned, slightly confused. "Yeah, like talk and stuff. With Thomas and Alison." He explained. I nodded in understanding and we both turned to the front.

"So Fitzroy, are you  Mr Fitzroy's son, you know the carpenter?" He questioned. "No, my parents and I are from England. My father was actually a servant of the King until he was executed." I responded, trying to sound devastated.

Percy looked at me with sympathy and smiled. "Hey, it's okay. But it's really cool that your dad used to work for an actual King." He whispered excitedly. I chuckled slightly and he smiled. "So want to meet up at Mrs Clarke's bakery?" He smiled. "Sure, my mother actually works there," I responded. Percy nodded and we looked ahead at the teacher. His turquoise like eyes were so captivating, along with his light ash brown hair with carefully cascaded down the sides of his face.

I looked at my own, slightly less blonde than before hair and sighed. As much as my hair reminded me of my father, I loved the pale, sunshine colour it had. At least I still had the same, icy blue coloured eyes. The ones that I often find my mother avoiding to gaze at.

I leaned my head onto my palm and sighed as I listened to the indistinct sound of talking.

~At the bakery~

Percy, Alison, Thomas and I all walked inside the bakery. Mrs Clarke and my mother were both at the counter. I smiled at my mother and we walked inside.

"Hello Percy, what would you like today?" Mrs Clarke questioned. Percy smiled and placed a few silver coins on the table. "Four slices of apple pie please." He explained. Mrs Clarke took the coins and walked towards the back of the shop.

I leaned against the counter and my mother smiled at me. Percy saw this and looked up at my mother. "Hello, Mrs Fitzroy, nice to meet you." He smiled. My mother grinned and she looked at me, "Is Percy, your friend?" She questioned.

I looked over at Percy who was smiling kindly. "Yes," I replied. My mother grinned and she walked towards me. She hugged me slightly and Percy chuckled. "Your son is very kind, Mrs Fitzroy. I guess he gets that from you." He smirked. My mother giggled slightly and ruffled my hair. "You could say that." She smiled.

Mrs Clarke walked out from behind the counter and placed the four slices of apple pie on the counter. I looked up at my mother and reached out for one as she let go of me. I took a bite from the slice and started to chew on the bite. Percy watched me and smiled even brighter.

"You eat just like a mouse Charles." He chuckled. I smiled slightly and Thomas shuffled closer. "Mrs Fitzroy, this may sound a bit rude, but when is your baby due?" He questioned. My mother's eye's lit up slightly and she smiled. "About March." She replied. Thomas nodded and Percy grinned again the same Cheshire cat way.

"That's good, Charles will finally have a sibling. Then he won't be the only one being an only child." He chuckled. I chuckled as well but with a hint of awkwardness. I didn't really tell Percy about Frederick and Matilda, because I didn't intend on them ever meeting them.

So I just continued to smile and finish the slice of pie. "Well, we better get going, see you tomorrow Charles." Percy smiled. "See you," I replied and Thomas, Alison and Percy walked out. I smiled slightly and I felt my mother's embrace again.

"I'm so proud of you Charles." She whispered. I stayed silent and enjoyed the hug.

Maybe things weren't too bad.

(A/N - if you notice anything with the names have a gold star because I spent an unusually long time researching for that part.)

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