Chapter 43 ~ Almost Routine

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2nd of April 1802

~Frederick's pov~

Stepping foot on land was a familiar yet odd sensation, it was odd because I had been confined onto a boat for two months but it also felt familiar.

7 years ago my feet uneasily balanced onto the soil that was America, my nervous and awkward newly adult person who more or less was an anxious wreck.

But I wasn't scared any more, because there was no need to be. My father trusted me with this task and I would make sure I wouldn't disappoint him. In fact, that was what I've been doing for the past six years, anything he commanded I obliged.

Just like with my mother, maybe if he didn't push me to rekindle my relationship with then maybe I'd still hate her. But after spending more time with her we managed a mutual respect, I even felt proud to call her my mother. It was so intriguing to me that one person could change my view on things, but then again I loved my father more than anything in the world.

It made me mad when Charles so easily disrespected him and disregarded my father's feelings. I always saw the pain on my father's face whenever Charles disobeyed or ignored him. It never was one of anger but rather hurt that his own son spited him. I tried scolding Charles every time he did such things but somehow my brother who I had known as shy and caring was instead, stubborn and rude.

Either way, life would go on, as much as Charles was stubborn something about the general demeanour he displayed as he set foot on land made me reconsider my prior knowledge of his behaviour.

I, of course, couldn't know that it wasn't guaranteed he was going to cooperate but hope still lingered. The plain grey coat wrapped around me to attract less attention warmed my body as the cold ocean breeze blew past me. I looked towards Charles and started walking down the pier. I gestured Charles and Lucy forward and both followed me down the crowd that was surrounding the pier.

Charles and I were going to be staying at Mr Lewis's home, he was now the ex-principal of the school I temporarily attended in while I stayed in America. He like so few in his country remained loyal to my father and was happy for us to board in his house.

The problem was I couldn't see Mr Lewis anywhere, my eyes frantically scanned as the crowd moved me along but he was nowhere to be found.

I panicked slightly and Charles and Lucy walked towards and area that was less overrun by people. I rushed to join them but felt someone hit against my stomach. I looked down and saw a young boy with chocolate brown hair and similar colour eyes. He looked up at me and grinned, his pale cheeks becoming a rose colour.

"Mama!" He cried out. I looked at the child fazed and quickly glanced at Charles, "Do I look you're-" I shook my head and sighed picking up the small child. "I'll go find this kid's parents. Just stay here okay, I'll be back." I explained. Charles scoffed and folded his arms, "Sure then, I'll make sure Mr Lewis will forget you." He joked. I rolled my eyes and turned around, looking at the crowd.

"So then, what's your name?" I questioned. The little boy giggled and grabbed my hair, "Jack!" He responded. I moved his small hands from my hair and started walking around, my eyes searched for anyone who seemed slightly distressed and who might also be looking for their child.

I felt a hand on my nose and I looked down at Jack who was holding my nose. I smiled slightly and Jack wriggled around, turning his body so that he was facing forward. I pat his head slightly and looked down at him, "Jack, what's your last name? Maybe it'll be easier to find your parents this way." Jack turned to me and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Seabury, Jack Benjamin Seabury," he explained. My eyes lit up and I smiled, I then heard a voice call out behind me. "Jack!" Jack turned around as well and started reaching behind me, I turned myself around to see the familiar face of Hanna. "Hanna?" I questioned. I relieved smile formed on her face and I handed Jack towards her. She grinned and kissed her son's forehead before looking back to me.

"Frederick? What are you doing here all of a sudden?" She exclaimed. I rubbed the back of my head and smiled, "Family business." I replied awkwardly. Hanna smiled and she held her son, "Sorry about Jack, he for some reason has this tendency to wonder." She replied. I chuckled slightly and smiled, "So I'm guessing you're Mrs Seabury." I gestured towards her ring. "Yep, I have been for 5 years now." She responded.

Jack giggled and a man ran towards them from a distance. As the man came closer I recognised him to be William Seabury, my old friend and to some extent, my family. He ran past his wife and looked at me, "It can't be? Or can it, Prince Frederick in the flesh." He smirked. I smiled awkwardly and he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"William Seabury, son of Samuel and Ella Seabury." he grinned and stuck out his hand.

"Prince Frederick of Wales, son of King George III and Y/N L/N and heir to the throne of Great Britain, nice to meet you," I smirked.

William chuckled and moved his hand away from my shoulder, "You haven't changed, have you?" He smiled. I scoffed playfully and looked towards his family, "Trust me I have." William turned towards his family and he grinned.

"So why is his Highness visiting?" He questioned. I glanced around and smiled, "Ahh that's classified information, only royals I'm afraid." I joked. William chuckled and smiled, "You're welcome to visit anytime, here's my address if you forgot." He handed me a piece of paper. I nodded and he held his wife's hand, "I need to get going Frederick, but I hope to see you soon." He smiled.

I smiled back and they turned around, walking away. I breathed in slightly and felt another hand tao my shoulder. Charles, Lucy and Mr Lewis all looking at me. Mr Lewis looked towards me and grinned, "Was that young Mr Seabury?" He questioned. I nodded and smiled.

"I guess you could say that."

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