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A/N: sorry for the lengthy chapter! Just wanted to capture a lot of tiny details. Enjoy!

Chapter 33

   "So everyone is safe and sound?" Tsunade asks while preparing the necessary paperwork. "And what of the Akatsuki? Dead? Alive? Escaped?"

   Shizake lifts up his mask, repeating the events from memory. "Hidan, neither dead nor alive. Buried deep underground somewhere in the land of Fire's forest. Singlehandedly too by Shikamaru Nara. Kakuzu, dead. I think my team can attest to that as well," Shizake says, looking back to his squad.

   Everyone nods their head in unison, supporting Shizake's statement. The Hokage sighs in relief before going to work filling out her paperwork. Shizune stands by, making sure everything is filled out correctly.

   "Thank you for keeping an eye on them. I'm glad nobody had to be extracted with dire injuries. You're all dismissed for the day," Tsunade says.

   "They should be back here soon. None of them had dire injuries but some may be injured nonetheless," Shizake replies. Before they all exit the office Shizake remembers his very important day with Sakura coming up. The reminder rings in the back of his heart as he turns around. "Actually, Lady Tsunade I was hoping I could speak to you alone for a moment. I'll catch up with you guys later," Shizake says to his teammates.

   Everyone exits the room leaving only Tsunade and Shizake to talk. The blonde Hokage finishes signing the documents before handing them to Shizune whom leaves the room afterwords. Tsunade folds her hands together, looking up at Shizake, "Sure. What is it?"

   "Well... I don't know how to say this. I-I'm not too good with this anyways. I have... a date. I was wondering if I could have that day off," Shizake reluctantly explains.

   Tsunade cheekily grins, "With Sakura I'm assuming?"

   Shocked at first, the boy nods his head, "Y-yeah... but how did you know?"

   "Haha," She chuckles. "Please, it's obvious. The way she looks at you and speaks of you. Anyone with common sense can tell," Tsunade says.

   "Right..." Shizake trails off.

   "Oh loosen up a little, kiddo! Honestly though, this will be a good experience for you. So I will approve that day for you and her," Tsunade says.

"There are two others coming along actually," The boy sheepishly adds.

Tsunade waves him off, "Whatever don't worry about it. Everything will be okay. You're dismissed."

Shizake leaves the office, immediately looking for his best friend. He darts off in the direction of the ANBU armory to see if he can catch up with the others. Easily he spots Toshika, Kita, and Nitatchi bounding through the rooftops. He catches up to them, following them to the armory.

"That was quick! What was that about?" Nitatchi asks.

"I'll tell you later, let's drop off our supplies first," Shizake says.


Shizake and Nitatchi wave goodbye to Kita and Toshika, heading off in the direction of the Hyuga compound. Nitatchi shoves his hands in his pockets while looking up at the sky with a blank stare. His thoughts run amiss with images of an injured Ino.

"You okay?" Shizake asks.

Nitatchi snaps from his thoughts while waving his hands, "Y-yeah just thinking! Anyways, what was it you were talking to the Hokage about?"

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