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Chapter 29


Sunlight glitters through the moist morning mist as a calm breeze trickles throughout the Leaf Village. With it comes a sense of peace and tranquility for the time being, a sense of calm while things settle into a lull. However peaceful it may seem though, darker things are always on the horizon. Although there are brighter days ahead as well, Shizake still ponders over his goals and what he wants the ultimate outcome to be.

In my current state I don't know if I can take Itachi on. Even if Sasuke was there I have a feeling I'd just get in the way. My arsenal is well equipped but it's still missing something... something that would utterly obliterate that devil, Shizake thinks to himself. Even with something like my massive flame spear I'd end up just draining all my chakra... and even then, if it misses I'm done for. How troublesome.

The Uchiha exits his apartment, heading towards the training field to experiment and train. He loses himself in deep thought, once again musing over his own strengths and weaknesses. His feet enter autopilot as he guides himself without a second thought. Easily, he glides in between other villagers and the occasional commotion.

   Within a matter of minutes he arrives at the array of training fields. He senses dense spikes in chakra that forces him out of his own mind. Walking towards the source, he notices a small group gathered near a waterfall. More notably, Kakashi, Naruto, and Captain Yamato all watch on as Naruto creates clones in an attempt to slice the waterfall with chakra.

Shizake approaches them, curious as to what's going on. He watches as a small group of multiple Naruto clones force their chakra against the waterfall. Small bits of water splash out but ultimately the task doesn't seem to be bearing the desired result.

"Shizake? What a surprise. Hope all is well?" Kakashi asks. The jonin then lays back in the grass under a tree and pulls his book out.

"Sure. I could feel the chakra presence... thought I'd come check it out. What's he trying to do?" Shizake wonders.

"He's trying to master changing his chakra nature. Naruto has a natural affinity for wind style as suggested by the litmus paper test. However... he's tapping into his massive chakra reserve," Yamato explains, placing his hands on his hips as he observes Naruto carefully.

The Uchiha nods his head. "I see. I don't believe we've met before by the way. Shizake Uchiha."

"Captain Yamato. Ah, you're probably wondering why I'm here. I wish I could explain but it's a bit under wraps," Yamato says.

Kakashi peers out from his book, waving his hand, "It's okay Yamato, he's ANBU. Just like we used to be."

"Oh? I had no idea. My apologies," Yamato replies while rubbing the back of his head.

"It's okay. What Kakashi says is true, I am a Captain in the ANBU. Although, I'd prefer Naruto and others don't know that," Shizake says, sitting cross legged in the grass.

"Understandable. Anyways, I have a technique that can temporarily seal away the rampaging nine tails chakra. So I'm here to keep an eye on that if it happens," Yamato says.

"I see. Not a bad idea especially knowing how hard Naruto trains," Shizake replies.

"So what brings you here? You couldn't have possibly came all the way over here just to relax," Kakashi asks, peering out from behind his book once more.

"Ah... well, you're right. I did come out here to do some training but honestly I don't know where to begin. I have to get stronger for the inevitable confrontation with Itachi. My arsenal is decent but... lacking," Shizake says defeatedly.

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