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Chapter 21


Morning rays creep through the window, illuminating the once dark room. It pans across Shizake's face, interrupting the deep sleep he was in. I haven't slept that good in a while, he thinks to himself. He goes to scratch his neck when his hand bumps into something soft. The boy looks down to see a head of pink hair and a face buried into his chest. Not wanting to wake her, he dares not move muscle. A few minutes go by before the girl begins stirring as well. She opens her sleepy eyes, blinking a few times before realizing she's looking up at Shizake. The Uchiha boy faintly smiles before Sakura realizes her positioning in the bed.

Instantly her face becomes red hot as she leaps out of bed and crashes into the ground with a thud. Shizake peers over the side of the bed with a worried look, "Sakura, you okay?"

Sakura springs up and begins scratching the back of her head, "Sorry! I uhm... I forgot we fell asleep together," She flusteredly explains.

The sound of muffled voices comes from next door, an obvious sign that Naruto and Kakashi are already awake. Shizake releases a lowly single chuckle before getting out of bed and gathering his things. As he's packing his bags he thinks to last night and all the feelings that flooded his mind and body. I'm not sure what to make of them... my life in the ANBU taught me many things but never how to act in situations like that. It's like the once dead spark is being reignited yet... I don't know what to do with it. I've been without it so long that having it would almost feel unnatural. I feel as if I'm reaching for the threads of something... something I once felt.

"I hope I wasn't too much of a bother," The girl quietly says, an obvious sign of a struggle with esteem.

Shizake, interrupted from his thoughts replies by shaking his head, saying, "Not at all... I usually have very troubled sleep actually. So... thank you for offering a spot to rest, Sakura," He finishes.

The girl smiles ear to ear, her warm affect radiating throughout the entire room, "Anytime."

An abrupt pang shoots through Shizake's heart, causing him to place a hand on his chest. The Uchiha confusedly looks down, unacquainted with such an emotion, so much so that it catches him off guard. It's as if the rigid barrier he put up in his heart and mind is suddenly crumbling, cracking and allowing something bright, something so illuminating and radiant to seep through that barrier, lightly touching the troubled boy.

The both of them finish gathering their things before heading over to Kakashi and Naruto's room to discuss the plan. After finding out that Pakkun had delivered the location of the hideout they all make their final preparations. They find themselves in front of the valley entrance to the Hidden Sand, waiting on a group of sand shinobi that they will be working with. Temari appears from around a corner, four other sand shinobi in tow behind her.

Kakashi nods, "Well, if that's everybody."

"Alright lets get this show on the road! No point in waiting around!" Naruto yells, eager to leave as soon as possible.

Suddenly Baki drops down from a rooftop. He tells Temari that they are to stay in the village and patrol the perimeter. The girl protests at first but finds out that the orders are from higher up.

"Well I'm going!" A voice interrupts.

Everyone looks up to see lady Chiyo, a retired sand shinobi. A few of the other sand shinobi question her and her motives but she assures them she she'll be no hassle to the group. The sand shinobi then escorts team Kakashi to the valley entrance and sees them off on their mission. Shizake and the others then sprint away, headed towards the supposed hideout.

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