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Chapter 12


The Uchiha stands up from the park bench, setting his mind on a different location. He casually walks his way through a more prosperous area, far away from the front gates and close to the Hokage mansion and stone face mountain. A certain clan has gained its status here through many years of dedication to the village, whether it be serving in wars or conducting missions under the Leaf's name. Finally he comes to the large sized gates, surrounding the massive Hyuga compound. Guards stand around at various entrances, strong and stoic, determined not to let anyone in without permission. Shizake lazily gazes at them, observing their pupil-less eyes. The fact that years and years of possessing the Kekkei Genkai caused the clan's eyes to go without pupils perplexes the Uchiha. Maybe even the first person with the Byakugan didn't have pupils, he thinks to himself. Shizake shakes the thought, deciding to see what Nitatchi is up to instead.

The guards to the compound stop Shizake in his approach, asking him what his business is here.

"I've been here dozens of times and you still stop me every time," Shizake says, annoyed.

"I'm sorry, this is our duty. I will ask if you're allowed to be seen," The guard replies, walking away to another part of the compound.

The other guard keeps an eye on Shizake, mainly for security purposes. Shizake sighs, can't blame them I suppose. Several minutes go by before the guard returns with the okay to let the Uchiha in. Shizake walks through the zen like garden of the Hyuga compound, admiring its peace and tranquility. One of the ideals of the Hyuga is to train in an area that promotes balance and clarity and this is such the place for it. The front area of the compound houses the side branch of the family, the main branch getting the more secure position in the back. It's always been the side branch's duty to protect the main branch from any harm. That ideal is strengthened by the fact that the main branch employs a curse seal on the side branch to keep them in line.

It's a cruel strategy, one I've always resented. Most of the time the curse seal doesn't have to be used since the side branch holds the same beliefs and such. Still, it doesn't give them a right to abuse that curse mark. Shizake finally comes to the home of his friend, Nitatchi. The Uchiha raps on the door twice, crossing his arms as he waits patiently for someone to answer.

A young pale looking woman with magnificent flowing brown hair answers the door. She has two strands tied together by large ties, the rest of it hanging elegantly down her back. She smiles warmly, happy to see the visitor at her door.

"Shizake! My, my, it's been a while since you've visited. Please, come in," The woman says, placing her hand on Shizake's shoulder to lead him inside.

"Thank you, it sure is nice to see you again," The Uchiha happily replies, stepping inside.

The black haired boy steps inside the home of Hanari and Hiroshi Hyuga. He smells something amazing wafting in from the kitchen area, bringing back nostalgic memories of all the meals eaten here. In the living room sits a man and a young boy, talking to one another. The man looks back, smiling brightly when he sees whom it is.

"Shizake! That's a face I haven't seen in a while!" The man gruffly says.

He stands up and places a broad hand on Shizake's shoulder, grinning widely. The Uchiha warmly grins back, glad to be in a familiar place. After the massacre, Nitatchi's family basically took him in. They gave him a place to sleep, to train, to eat, and to live when he wasn't staying with Sasuke. As the ninja academy days came closer and closer, Shizake didn't visit as much seeing as he was ready to focus on his new goal – that was, finding Itachi. Nonetheless, they treated Shizake as family and that is how he sees them.

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