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Chapter 31


   Shizake slumps against the tree while Sakura sits next to him holding an umbrella up, protecting them from the rain. Kakashi walks over, coming to check if everything is okay. He eyeballs the near melted bandage tape around the Uchiha's palms and blackened streaks scuffing his cheeks.

   "Hmm. I saw your outburst... just wanted to make sure everything is okay?" Kakashi asks.

   "He should be okay. I've begun healing his torso... he's suffering from overuse of fire jutsu. I just need to basically unfuse these bandages and replace them," Sakura says.

   "Angry at the results?" Kakashi asks Shizake directly.

   "I've been at it for hours, days even, and still, I'm no where near where I need to be," Shizake mumbles.

   "Ah but I think you're closer than you realize. You see, you continued to blast fire even after your initial attack, although recklessly," Kakashi says with a pointed finger in the air. "Don't get so frustrated easily. You've come along ways."

   The realization basically smacks Shizake in the face. Even though he dumped a massive amount of chakra with his massive flame spear, he still had enough to continue using more chakra.

   "You know, you should listen to Kakashi. He's right... I've been, um, watching," Sakura says.

   "I know... I got your note the other night. Thanks," Shizake says with a half grin.

   Kakashi chuckles, turning around and waving," Just keep at it. You'll get there in no time."

   Shizake nods his head, turning to the girl, "Can I ask for a favor?"

   Sakura sits back against the tree while leaning on the Uchiha's shoulder. "What is it?" She asks.

   "I hate to ask this of you... but please help with my training. Allow me to push my body to its limits and then use your healing jutsu. That way I won't have to stop to rest and you can keep me in check. From going overboard," He says.

   Sakura looks down at the ground, weighing the pros and cons. After a few moments in thought she looks back up to the boy, "I really hate the idea of you destroying your body just for this...but... I'll help. If you go too far though, I'll leave, because I won't sit here and watch you slowly kill your self."

   Shizake grabs her hand, intently gazing into her eyes, "I won't go too far, I promise. Knowing you're here... I can better control myself."

   The pinkette smiles, watching as Shizake stands up, "Then I'll be here waiting. When you feel your chakra is depleted come over here and I'll replenish it."

   "Thank you, Sakura," Shizake says, slowly letting go of her hand and going back to training.


   A couple more days of grueling training passed by in an instant. Shizake fell into a cycle of training consisting of depleting his chakra and having Sakura replenish it. The Uchiha had even tried the clone technique Naruto was using but it proved useless as the chakra needed to sustain both the clone jutsu and massive fire jutsu proved to be too much.

   However, Shizake did come across a breakthrough in his training. After using his massive flame spear he found himself still able to stand on his feet and with a decent supply of chakra to boot. Mentally he was joyful but still had a long ways to go in developing his own ultimate finishing move.

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