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Chapter 25


   The blonde Hokage hums to herself, briefly reading over the submitted paperwork from Shizake. The boy stands there patiently waiting for an answer while Tsunade begins scribbling something on it. She stamps it and slides it to the left side of her desk, nodding her head.

   "It makes the most sense...considering Kenta was on your team. Kita would be a perfect fit. Her skills are very similar... from what I read anyways. She is now part of Team Kari," Tsunade says.

   Shizake bows, thanking her at the same time.

   Tsunade grabs another stack of paper before looking back up at Shizake, "I will allow you some time to let her get acclimated but I do have a mission for your team. Meet back here with your squad when you are ready and we will discuss the details. You're dismissed."

   The Uchiha bows once more before exiting her office and the building. Nitatchi stands against the wall with his arms crossed while making small talk with Toshika whom stands directly across from him. Off on the side and on her own stands a young girl, lazily gazing up at the clouds. Her striking mixture of blonde and black hair lightly bobs with the wind. Small bits of sunshine bounce off the golden pools of honey that are her eyes. All three turn their heads when they see Shizake coming down the stairs.

   Shizake approaches the girl, sticking his hand out, "Welcome to Team Kari, Kita," He says. "It's an honor."

   She continues with her monotonous stare, sticking her hand out to shake his, "Thank you, for recruiting me. I will do my best to fill the shoes of that who came before me," She softly says.

   "I have no doubt in my mind that you will. Nitatchi and Toshika said they had spoken to you beforehand," He begins, gazing off to his side at the other two. "I trust their word."

   The girl nods her head, bowing to Nitatchi and Toshika as well.

   "I just have one test. If you don't mind, follow me to the training field," The captain finishes, bounding off in the direction of the fields.

   The other three follow suit, forming up behind Shizake as they traverse across the village. After arriving at the field Shizake motions for Kita to follow him to the center, making sure they have plenty of room for the test. Nitatchi and Toshika sit off to the side under a large tree, enjoying the cool shade as they watch on.

   Nitatchi nudges Toshika with his elbow, a chuckle escaping his lips, "Captain's training is usually pretty rough. Hopefully he doesn't overdo it."

   The younger girl hums to herself, pulling her knees to her chest, "I don't think he will. Shizake looks like he has something else on his mind instead."

   "You so sure? It's hard to read him... and I've known him since we were kids," Nitatchi says while sitting back on his palms.

   "I'm not reading him. It's more of a... gut feeling. Besides, we've all been teammates for long enough," The girl starts. She plays with her strawberry blonde curls, twirling them with her fingers delicately. "Even though he is who he is... we've grown close enough to learn each other's mannerisms."

   The Hyuga shifts his gaze back to the middle of the training view, watching Shizake and Kita, "I suppose you're correct. We'll just have to wait and see."

   Shizake closes his eyes while beginning to focus his chakra, opening them back up to look at Kita, "Fire jutsu can be immensely powerful. Although, increasing its strength requires a tremendous sacrifice in chakra. There was one thing Kenta was certainly remarkable at. That was – pushing my fire beyond its limits. This is the one and only test I have. Show me what you can do."

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