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Chapter 18


"So...Yamiko, was it?" Shizake asks as he drops his guard.

"Lieutenant. Make sure you remember that," The blue haired man says.

"Right. It looks like we have similar objectives... why don't we go at this together?" Shizake dryly says.

The Uchiha's only thought is to pursue the main goal at hand, that is, taking down the criminal operation. The Lieutenant puts his hand out, signaling his men to ease. He looks back to Shizake, his face still stone cold and stoic.

"Are you the captain of this...unit?" Yamiko inquires.

Shizake grits his teeth, annoyed that his question was met with a question. He crosses his arms and looks at his squad, all of them giving him an impartial stare, "So what if I am?" He responds.

Yamiko takes a deep breath, closing his eyes before reopening them, "I didn't catch your name."

"I never said I was the captain, and if we're going to sit here and play games then I would rather leave and be left alone to our own business," Shizake says.

"You sure are straight to the point."

"There's a man running around out there disrupting one of the many foundations that holds this continent and the strained relationships of the major villages together. We believe that it is simply beneficial for all parties involved if we... resolve...this matter."

"You ANBU... always so devoid of emotion. Anyways, I suppose you make a good point. Plus the added manpower couldn't hurt either."

"And the Leaf and Sand are allied, so hopefully this will strengthen that alliance even more!" Toshi pipes in.

Yamiko warmly smiles at the girl, nodding his head towards her, "You make a fine point there."

Nitatchi steps forward, seriousness plastered across his face, "Lieutenant Yamiko was it?"

The blue haired man's face returns to a neutral position, gazing into the white irises of the Hyuga, "Correct. Is there something you need?"

Shizake eyes his comrade from the side while Toshi and Shītto curiously gaze at the interaction. Toshi looks to Shītto who in turn shrugs, unbeknownst to Nitatchi's intentions.

"Information travels fast... but it can also be misinterpreted. I heard something in that village, something that could be extremely dire compared to our current task," Nitatchi calmly says.

Yamiko crosses his arms, his curiosity piqued, "Go ahead."

"Well... I only caught a mere snippet of the conversation but it sounded to me like the Kazekage was kidnapped."

The entire group goes silent, wide eyed at this revelation. All except Nitatchi that is, for he had already pondered on the thought alone. How could the Kazekage be captured? Isn't he supposed to be the strongest? Millions of thoughts like these plague the ANBU group from the Leaf and the squadron from the Sand.

What does that mean for the Leaf? Is the Hokage in danger? No... this isn't even about Gaara being a Kage, the mere fact that he's a Jinchuriki explains it all, Shizake thinks to himself. He collects his thoughts for a brief moment before turning his look to Yamiko whom has his eyes closed in deep thought.

"That's a hefty claim there... you're sure that's what you heard?" Yamiko asks.

"I'm positive. Something very bad could be going on right now... something that could require all Sand units to return home as well," Nitatchi answers.

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