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Chapter 13


A shadowy figure stands alone in a cave, projecting himself using some type of jutsu. He appears looking rainbow-ish, all his features distorted by the shadowed façade. Two more figures appear, looking the same as he does.

"Kakuzu. Hidan," The man acknowledges.

Both of the figures nod to him, confirming their indentities. Soon enough more figures begin to gather, eight of them standing around in a circle.

"You're all here," The first man says in a static-y distorted voice, "We begin soon. Assume your positions and be ready to make move on the jinchuriki. The Akatsuki will not fail. Soon enough, the world will know – pain."

"Right," One of the figures says, "We're about a days journey from the village. There shouldn't be any problems."

"What about the sucker from the leaf village?" Another figure asks.

"He will be the most difficult to grab but he shouldn't be an issue. Focus on getting the easier targets first, Hidan. Dismiss," The leader says before everyone disappears one by one.


Shizake arises early in the morning, taking a quick shower after doing some morning warm ups. He prepares to head out for the day, grabbing his ninja sandals and putting them on. Opening a drawer, he grabs his ninja pouch and attaches it to his pants, securing the holster steadily. The Uchiha is about to put on his armored chest piece when he hears a knock at the door. He squints his eyes, suspicious of whom it could be. Peering through the peep hole, he sees two jonin, the two from the first mission Team Kari was assigned.

He opens the door, "Kotetsu? Izumo?"

"Yeah. Lady Hokage has summoned you," Kotetsu says.

"Understood," Shizake replies.

"Casual attire. Also she told us to give you this," Izumo says, handing Shizake a standard blue Leaf Village headband.

Shizake squints his eyes, confused about the odd request. Closing the door, he holds the headband in his hands, running his fingers along the metal plating. I never got to hold one of these seeing as I was truly never a genin, but why did they give this to me? He then thinks back to when he was first assigned as a captain. Lady Tsunade told him he would be inserted into chunin and jonin level missions occasionally to retain anonymity among the ANBU. The Uchiha puts the ANBU armor back up on its rack inside of a large dresser, closing it shut and locking it. The boy then grabs his cloak off of a chair before tying the headband around his forehead and quickly exiting the apartment, eager to see what sort of mission he is about to receive.

He quickly rushes over to the Hokage mansion, heading straight to the Hokage's room. Upon opening the door he notices two students from his childhood, Hinata Hyuga and Kiba Inuzuka along with his big white dog, Akamaru standing beside him. They look at him confusedly, faintly recognizing his face but not being able to put a finger on it.

"Shizake, you're here," Tsunade booms, sitting down at her desk with her arms crossed.

"Yes, Lady Hokage, I came as soon as possible," Shizake answers.

Tsunade examines Shizake, noticing he received the headband. She unravels the mission scroll, scanning it over with her eyes.

"There's been a series of bank robberies in the south western district. So far, nearly five hundred thousand in Ryo has been stolen. Our finest detectives have been on the case and they've figured out which bank the robbers are about to hit next. We're not sure at what exact time they'll hit it but we know it's going to be today. I'll explain the rest quickly since we're wasting time just by being here. You're going to be working with Kiba and Hinata today seeing as Shino is out on another mission. I want you to capture the perpetrators, alive." The fifth Hokage says clearly.

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