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Howdy y'all. This chapter here is short-ish because it is setting up for this next arc. There's also some things from the canon that i put in here. So please, enjoy.


Chapter 16


A month has passed and the change in weather could not be anymore welcome. Fresh flowers have begun blooming in the wake of golden sunlight. The heat of the sun has now replaced the cold air that once blanketed the land. This in turn has allowed everyone to dawn lighter clothing, ditching cloaks and jackets that kept them warm during the winter. A new sort of energetic vibrancy has graced the village along with the change in seasons and although the village shines during the warmer months, everyone is still hard at work, ninja and citizens alike.

Team Kari vigorously patrols the village, scouting around for anything suspicious. Their routine patrol seemingly yields no results, the village being in a peaceful mood. They come to rest on top of a fairly large building, each of them scanning around with their eyes.

Shozen stretches his arms high into the sky, groaning in pleasure from getting a chance to relax his muscles, "Ahhh! I love the spring! So much more energy and liveliness to the village!"

Toshi warmly grins at her comrade, looking around at all the flowers and trees thriving, "You can say that again, Shozen. Although... I'm not a fan of the heat but hey, it beats the cold."

"While the weather is now enjoyable, we still have to work harder than ever. No telling what's to come ahead for us," Shizake says.

"Sheesh, Kouen. Sometimes I think you were made to live in the winter," Toshi answers, scratching the back of her head.

"Heh, well, I was born in a winter month so that could play a role. Anyways lets finish up this patr-"


"What the hell was that?" Shītto asks, looking around for the culprit.

Shizake lifts up his mask, crossing his arms while his lips settle into a small grin, "Well I'll be damned."

"Only he would cause a ruckus like that," Shozen says with a chuckle.

"Who is that?" Toshi asks.

"If you didn't hear him scream it the first time, it's Naruto Uzumaki," Shozen replies.

"Naruto...? Uzumaki...? Wait! The nine tails jinchuriki?!"

"That's right..." Shītto trails off, "Didn't he leave for training or something?"

"Yeah. Seems like he and Jirayia just got back," Shizake answers.

The ANBU squad of four spot the yellow tuft of hair standing atop a tall electrical pole. Naruto hopefully stares out across the village, admiring the nostalgic feelings that flood his mind. He places his hands on his hips, looking across the Hokage stone face mountain and looking surprised to see that Tsunade's face has been added to the legendary group.

"I already know what you're thinking, Shizake, "Shozen says, "We'll finish up here."

Shizake smirks, "I just want to see how strong he's gotten."

The Uchiha begins unhooking all of his ANBU armor pieces, setting the dragon mask under his torso piece to hide it. After that, he pulls out the loose black sleeve from his pocket and slides it up his left arm to cover up the tattoo that barely peaks out under his black Uchiha t-shirt. From there he nods to his team before zipping across the rooftops to meet his comrade.

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