Successful Failure

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Chapter 15

-Successful failure

After the police whisk off the man, Shizake, Kiba, Akamaru, and Hinata regroup to discuss the situation at hand. They peer around at all the destruction scattered on that particular block of the village. The smoke has calmed down due to villagers coming together to smolder the flames. Other villagers have already began going to reconstructing the bank that was practically blown to bits, hoisting large planks of wood in their arms and handing them up to the few men on scaffolding.

"So... is that considered a successful mission?" Kiba asks, a resounding bark coming from Akamaru.

"Well...we did catch one of them, right?" Hinata asks.

"Considering what we were tasked with... Lady Hokage will probably call this mission a failure," Shizake says coldly.

Kiba's shoulders drop, "Oh..."

"Although, we managed to capture one of them so I'm sure she won't be too upset."

"Hey, you're right! Hopefully we don't get chewed out."

"Mhm," Hinata mumbles, "We should go report to her, no?"

The two boys nod along with a conforming yelp from the ninja dog. With haste, they head to the Hokage mansion to turn in the mission report to Tsunade.


"So you compromised the mission causing the robbers to hit another bank, which they did successfully, yet you also caught one of them?" Tsunade asks demandingly.

"W-well, y-yes," Hinata answers.

The fifth Hokage sighs heavily, reorganizing the papers in her hand, "Technically I cannot give you a mission pass...but – you caught one of the perpetrators which will allow our ninja to interrogate him."

"Lady Hokage, I would personally like to investig-"

"Enough. Kiba, Hinata, you two are dismissed. Shizake, you need to stay back and fill out some paper work before you leave," Tsunade says.

The Hyuga and Inuzuka both bow before they head to the door to exit the room. Before they leave, Kiba turns his head, lifting up his thumb as well.

"Hey it was nice working with you, Shizake. See ya around!" He says.

Hinata stops too, giving Shizake a reassuring nod along with her sweet and soft smile. They then exit the room.

"Having trouble keeping your ANBU identity hidden?" Tsunade asks.

Shizake, flustered, rubs the back of his neck, "Sometimes, Lady Hokage...sometimes."

"I know it must be hard, having to step back and observe from the shadows while your comrades walk a different path."

"Perhaps... but the village is more important. It matters not where I walk, as long as the village is safe," Shizake says.

"At least you know where your heart is. Anyways, I assume you were going to say that you want to investigate this matter personally?"

"Yes... if you would allow me and my team to take over this matter, I'm sure we could find all of them."

The blonde Hokage squints her eyes, going over the thought in her mind.

"No. Not yet anyways. I want to let Ibiki and his underlings interrogate the person you captured. If that fails we move on to using members of the Yamanaka clan to peruse his memories. Once we figure out more info I will dispatch you and your team to take care of this, understood? " Tsunade says.

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