"Oh my gosh, you're okay. You're awake, oh my goodness we have to take a picture. Wait... but first, how are you feeling?" Garcia asks, bouncing from idea to idea. She was obviously flustered, she was reaching for her phone to take a picture, shuffling through her bag to do so. She was placing balloons and cards down on the nightstand next to her hospital bed. Garcia lifted her phone and took a photo, the bright flash temporarily blinding (Y/N). As she was blinking her eyes attempting to regain her sight the remainder of the members who hadn't gotten the chance to say their hellos began to do so. 

Emily made her way over to her first, she kicked everyone else out, Garcia blew a kiss to (Y/N) as her little heels tapped away. 

"Hi, how are you doing?" Emily asked. Her eyes were caring, and (Y/N) appreciated that, in the past few minutes, she had seen and felt more emotions then she had in her whole 32 years of living. 

"I'm doing as good as I can in a neck brace and all," She giggled. It hurt a little bit. She could still only slightly turn her head, but it mostly remained looking out in front of her. Emily had stolen Spencer's chair and (Y/N) had turned her head slightly to get a better look at her. Her black hair was still as beautiful as ever, and it still flowed perfectly with her movements. 

"Look (Y/N), you went through a lot, do you want to take some time off, we'll all understand. I know I'm not Hotch and I'm not really in charge of all of this but I want you to know that there is nothing wrong with taking time off. We all do it, and I think you deserve it," Emily says laughing. (Y/N) soon joined in. 

"Okay, I'm glad you're okay, I'll send in someone else," Emily says getting up from the chair. She walked out the door, and (Y/N) was secretly hoping she'd send in Hotch. She needed her answers. Instead, Emily sent in Morgan. 

"How are you doing pretty girl," Morgan says making his way into the room. She giggled as he sat in the chair next to her. 

"You know you should come up with a different nick-name because that one definitely doesn't apply right now," She says tilting her head as much as she could to look at him. 

"Doesn't apply, are you kidding me. You look absolutely stunning (Y/N), but anyways how are you feeling?" He repeated. She was really tired of that question. She wasn't doing good, maybe physically she'd be fine, but it was all her fault that Spencer was put in that situation and it broke her. 

"As good as you can be after being kidnapped," she says forcing a grin. Morgan laughed and began to pick himself out of the chair. 

"Bye pretty girl." He walked out of the room, soon to be replaced by JJ. 

"Hey, How are you feeling?" JJ began. Why did she hope for another greeting, of course, this was the one she was going to get, I mean she was in a hospital for god's sake. 

"As good as I can be I guess," (Y/N) responds forcing another smile. JJ looked at her disapprovingly. 

"(Y/N), how are you really feeling?" she asks highlighting the really. She was grateful for the question, something different. (Y/N) took a deep breath and began to spill out all her feelings. 

"It's all my fault, If I wouldn't have lied we would've all been fine, and if I hadn't lied Spencer would've never met Charles and never gotten hurt. It's all my fault that we all have to be here. All because I didn't want to be used for my past," she says, getting louder with every word, tears dripping down her cheeks. 

"(Y/N), (Y/N) this is in no way your fault. I would've done the same thing, you should be known for your skills, not your past. Also, you may have lied, but all of us even Reid understand why. And I know you're probably wanting to know about Hotch after the stuff he said about you in there," JJ says. (Y/N) nodded towards her hopes that JJ could provide her with something besides "He was just doing it to get him to drop the weapon". 

"(Y/N), you know that he only said all that stuff to get Charles to drop the weapon," JJ told her. (Y/N)'s grin of hope faded at the sentence, she needed to hear it from Hotch himself to know for sure if he didn't mean it. JJ lightly patted (Y/N)'s thigh and made her way out the door. A small tear fell from her eye at the touch, the pain still no better than before. Before she had another visitor, a nurse came in and took off her neck brace. she could finally move it and it felt great.

The next person that made their way in was Hotch, the one she had been waiting for. She sat up quickly, maybe a little too quickly because her body flinched in pain. 

"How are you feeling?" he asked. "I'm fine," she said. She looked at him and in unison, they began their sentences;

"Did you mean what you said-I didn't mean what I said," the sentences collided. (Y/N) grinned, that was what she was waiting for. Weight to be lifted off her shoulders, she looked back towards Hotch, she leaned over as much as her body would let her and took him into a hug. 

"Thank you, thank you," She whispered into his ear tears beginning to well up in her eyes as the hug continued squeezing tighter with every minute.

"Of course, but I really didn't mean it. We all hold things back from the other members of our team, and Dr. Reid's anger about the lie was unprofessional and that's what got him into this situation. It was not your fault (Y/N)," Hotch said as the hug broke apart. He stood up and made it to the door.

"Thanks again sir," she said grin holding tight. The next person in was Rossi. He was the only one who closed the door behind him as he walked in. 

"How are you felling kiddo?" Rossi asked. He made his way over to the chair, but he didn't sit in the chair, instead, he sat next to her on the bed. 

"I'm alright, thank you," she responded. 

"You know you've got a keeper out there," Rossi said grabbing ahold of her hand. Her cheeks blushed, turning red as her grin grew bigger. 

"I know," (Y/N) replies. 

"No, no you really don't know. The first thing he did when he woke up from surgery was asked where you were and how you were doing. Since he's been able to get out of his bed, he's been coming and sitting in that chair-" he pointed towards the small green chair with wood armrests that sat next to her bed "- He's had all of his check-ups and things like that done in here because he refused to leave your side except to sleep. Before he'd leave, he'd make sure to kiss your forehead. He was hear more than Garcia was (Y/N). He's worth the trouble," Rossi said. She knew he was right, he was the perfect man for her, but she didn't know how they would be after what they went through. She hoped it was good, and she felt with all that Rossi had told her, that it was. 

Rossi knelt down and gave her a kiss on the cheek, he let go of her hand and pushed himself off the bed and made his way out of the room. Spencer had fumbled his way in closing and locking the door behind him. Before she got the chance to do or say anything, he was over her, his lips on hers. The kiss was passionate, full of built-up anger, missed chances, and so much more. The kiss broke with both their heavy breathing, they both looked at each other and smiled. 

"What was that for," (Y/N) says as she looks over to Spencer, who had managed to put himself into a chair further away from her. 

"For all my missed chances," Spencer said. 

"I love you, Dr. Spencer Reid," (Y/N) said looking at him, hinting at another kiss. Spencer got the point, he stood up and made it over to her, they locked lips once more, before and abrupt interruption. 

"Hey lovers, it's time to go to bed," Morgan says knocking on the wood door. Their kiss broke as Spencer made his way to the door. 

"See you tomorrow," Spencer said waving as he pushed the door open. (Y/N) blew a kiss at him before quickly setting her head down and falling asleep. 



HEYYYY YALL, sorry I've been gone for a hot minute. I wasn't doing good mentally and ended up giving myself a concussion. I can come back for minor things, and this includes writing if I do it slowly. Anyway, you guys should look at my bio thingy, there are some new things coming soon I think you all will like ;). Anyway, hope yall enjoyed :)

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