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"I can walk for crying out loud!", I whined as Blake carried me again but he didn't respond. Blake has been unusually quiet since the talk he supposedly had with Jordan. Sam told me immediately she entered my room and I had been pondering ever since on what they could've talked about. Did Jordan say something to Blake? Did they fight? But Blake's face looks pretty okay. Oh wait, did Blake beat Jordan up?

These questions have been swimming through my mind since Blake walked into the room and refused to say anything.

Sam ran forward to open the door while Blake kept carrying me. "Please just drop me", I whined into his chest. He sighed, "Fine but you'll lean on me so you don't stress that foot", then he dropped me and held me to his side. I rolled my eyes as approached Sam who was standing at the door looking at something. She turned and rose it up, "It's a letter from Jordan".

"Dear squad", Sam began as we all sat around the living room looking at her.

"I'm sure that's what you call yourselves, I saw it on Sam's Ig along with the many other beautiful memories we had made since September last year", Sam smiled as she continued reading. "Although I can't remember most of them but I'll make sure to have these pictures printed once I get to Canada and hung on my bedroom wall so I never forget them. Rue also helped me a bit by telling me stories of us at the beach, at my house and even the ice cream parlor and I also keep getting constant flashes so I'm pretty sure that before I die, I would've remembered all of you", She read out as she smiled and dabbed her eyes. "Sam, you're a huge ball of energy and I hate to have forgotten all of the times you've made me laugh but trust that I won't forget the hug you gave me today", she laughed as she cleaned her eyes before she continued reading, "Jess, you're a sunshine. I only met you at the hospital room after I woke up and you did look really concerned, I thought we dated or something but of course I checked your Ig and I realized it's my guy Jace who stole your heart". Jess chuckled as she wiped her eyes with a tissue Jace handed to her.

"Jace, I remember the most about you because the night at the concert is literally just a few days ago to me. You're funny and vibrant and you're great in the field too! Yes Rue told me about the time we traveled to New York to play against another school whose name I've forgotten. Keep it up champ! I'm cheering for you from Canada". Jace smiled as Sam continued, "Mira, dear Mira. Rue told me that I've received a lot of smacks on my head from you. Could be one of the things that contributed to my memory loss. You never know. Jeffery, the gamer, Rue says you carry your games wherever you go. I said to Rue, is this dude ever gonna get laid but she said that you got it on with one of her best friends, Bri. Hopefully I get to meet the both of you together some day". Jeff turned to glare at me but I quickly buried my face in the couch while Sam continued, "Skylar, you're legit the coolest dude ever and although I don't really know much about Shawna, Rue says she's witty and fun. I saw her in the picture on Sam's Ig. She's cute, you're the perfect match. Tyler, I cannot really say I know you but since you're dating Sam then you're probably very understanding and tolerant so that's a good thing. Don't ever make that girl cry", Sam said smiling as she glanced at Tyler before turning back to the paper, "Rue, thank you for telling me about everyone. At least, I have something to hold on to. I'm going to miss you a lot even though all I would remember are the hospital scenes. I'll forever cherish the Pokémon picture and you'll forever be my Pokémon. I remember telling you that I'll always be here for you. Well I'm sorry I can't keep that promise but know that you'll never truly be alone and Blake man, I hope you reminisce on our discussion and grow some balls to do what needs to be done. I love you all so much and I thank you for making my stay in America worth it. Love, J", Sam slowed down as she ended the letter. We all looked at each other, some with tears in our eyes as we pondered on the letter before Jace broke the silence, "Anyone else wondering how he knew this apartment?" and then the ice was broken as everyone started laughing trying to guess how he knew.

I sat on the grass staring at the ducks swimming in the lake. I always wondered how the school was able to get the ducks to not run away from the lake. I laughed as one duck tried to jump on another one. Nasty duckie! My smile dropped as I reminisced on the memories made here.

"It's cold!", I smiled while yelling. "Ever heard of hot rain?", He replied as he twirled me around. As my body met his and he wrapped his hand around my waist keeping me firm against him, I felt a spark of electricity surge through me. He looked down straight into my eyes and I smiled at him. For a moment, he looked like he wasn't here anymore. "Jordan", I whispered and then he smiled. "What were you thinking about?", I asked. "You're beautiful", was all he said.

I stared far off when I felt a presence approach me. "Kinda guessed you'd be here", Skylar said as he sat beside me. "Why do I feel like I've lost two people all at the same time?", I sighed as I held my knees up to my chest. He shrugged, "Because you did". I glared at him as he laughed and tried to explain himself, "I mean, technically you did but you still have me". "No Shawna has taken you now", I pouted making him laugh before he turned serious, "Rue anyone would be stupid to let you go. Even Jordan who's lost all the memories of you still feels attracted to you and even though Blake should be super pissed at you, he still drove 40hours to come see you. Don't worry, everything will come out at the end. If it's meant to be, it'll be". I nodded and hugged him mentally thanking my Savior for blessing me with this dude.

I sat on my bed swinging my legs as I stared at Blake's already packed luggages. The door opened and Blake stepped in, he stood watching me as I watched his bags. He cleared this throat as he came to sit beside me, "So I'll be traveling back tomorrow. Dad's got i and Tyler's tickets settled". I turned to him and smiled, "Thanks for everything". He nodded and looked away, "I did it for my conscience and also for Sam. She would've wanted me to come". I felt a pang of pain shoot through me as I slowly nodded and looked away. Had this past week meant nothing to him? Was he joking right now? What was with the apology gift and surprise visits, then?

"So I'll see you", he said standing up and dusting his jeans as he walked to the corner and picked his bags. I watched him as he hesitated before walking out. I sighed as I held my necklace.


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