Missing Girl of the Day

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"Where's Jess?!", I groaned as I stumbled out of my room. Sam shrugged looking equally as tired as I am, "I don't know. She's not been home since I woke up". "When did you wake up?", I asked, sitting on the kitchen stool. "5 minutes ago", she mumbled. "Great", I muttered as I spun around. Sam stopped my stool from spinning and looked me in the eye, "Rue, focus! We're late for our first class because Jess our human alarm clock isn't here and we don't have our morning coffee cause Jess, also our human coffee maker isn't here so now, we gotta put our act together and focus on getting on with our day right, alright?". I nodded fervently, "Yeah sure sure. We can do that". "Good", Sam smiled.

"She has our timetables on her phone!", I groaned as I held my bag and rested on the wall of the corridor. The corridors are empty except for Sam and I cause we can't remember what classes we have. "Who am I kidding? We can't do this!", Sam groaned as we walked around. I stepped away from the wall, "I think I have Calculus with Jace" but then an arm came around me and started pulling me away from Sam, "Actually you have Art with me", Skylar said smiling. "Hey!", Sam yelled stomping her feet on the ground. I waved and blew her a kiss as Skylar turned me into another corridor.

"You forgot to get your lunch?", Jordan laughed at both of us. "Jess normally gets it for us", I mumbled as I struggled out of my seat to go get my lunch. As I stood and surveyed the line, I walked back to the table and grumbled as I rested my head on the table. "What is your problem you guys?!", Mira laughed as she asked. "We need Jess!", Sam and I yelled. A few people turned to look at us but Jordan waved them off smiling, "It's okay, nothing but two hormonal teenagers". I sighed frustratingly, rose my head and saw Jeff texting and smiling at his phone, "Jeff, are you the reason Bri hasn't been replying to my messages as fast as she does anymore", I asked glaring at him. He rose his hands in surrender, "Hey hey she does what she wants. I don't know". "Hmmmm", was all I said before resting my head back on the table.

"Do you guys realize how dependent you are on Jess?", Jordan asked as he threw a fry into his mouth. "Yadi yadi yada Jordan!", I mumbled as we walked back to the apartment. "She better be home", Sam said as she unlocked the door. "Jess?", I yelled as we walked in, taking off our shoes. "Jesssss!?", Sam yelled entering the passage to our rooms probably to go check our room. Jordan just hopped on our couch and continued using his phone. "That's it! We're making a missing person poster!", Sam snapped as she stormed into the living room. "Call Mira and Jeff immediately!", Sam yelled.

"Don't you think you're taking this too far? It's not even a day yet babe", Tyler said through the phone that was set on the coffee table facing us. "That's exactly what I've been saying!", Mira said exasperatedly. "No I'm not taking this too far, Jess has never been gone 2 hours without texting us!", Sam yelled. Jordan and Jeff were busy playing a game on the couch, not bothering to join our conversation. "Sam, I think you should honestly just calm down and stop overstressing. You're only doing all these cause there's no one make dinner for you two lazy asses", Blake said sitting beside Tyler, watching TV. "Rue, talk to your boyfriend!", Sam snapped looking at me. I shrugged as I chewed my maltesers, "He's your brother". Sam glared at everyone as she said, "Am I the only one that cares about the fact that..."

"What's going on?" "Whoa, full house!"

Everywhere went silent as everyone turned to stare at the two people who just walked in.

Jess holding Jace's hand as they both stood at the door looking very confused.

"Jess!", Sam, Mira and I yelled as we jumped on her. Jace, moving out of the way as Jess stumbled backwards. "Did I forget my birthday or something?", Jess asked as she continued to look confused. "Where tf were you?!", I asked as Sam snapped, "Why didn't you text me?". "What are you talking about? There's a note on the fridge that literally says Going out with Jace, don't know when I'll be back", Jess said as she stared at the both of us flatly. "Oh", we both said.

"Wait a second, so Jess and I went out and y'all were making noise about Jess going missing but no one! Not even a single guy thought about me?!", Jace yelled as he glared at Jordan and Jeff who finally looked up from their game and stared at him guiltily. "In their defence, they probably thought you were having practice", Mira said calmly but Jace wasn't listening, "Even you Jeff, my own brother!". "Hey hey hold on a second there dawg!", Jeff started to say but got interrupted by laughter coming from the two idiots opposite Sam's phone screen. "Y'all are cracking me up!", Tyler choked out as He and Blake fell off their couch.

Everyone stared at them flatly before they stopped and mumbled, "Sorry"

"Alright, everyone out! It's girl's time! Shoo shoo!", Sam clapped her hands as she shoved the guys out with help from us. Then we blew her brother and boyfriend kisses before disconnecting the call.

We sat and the couch and turned to missing girl of the day. "What?", She asked smiling innocently.

"TELL US EVERYTHING!", We screamed.


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