Chapter Twenty Four: The Sneaker

Start from the beginning

Standing in front of the shield generator were Phantom and Nightmare, Saverong, Waldo Nightshade, and a masked man.

Standing in front of the shield generator were Phantom and Nightmare, Saverong, Waldo Nightshade, and a masked man

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Resizagirl immediately stopped. She landed on the ground and continued moving by foot, hoping to not draw attention to herself.

It didn't look like the powerful foes had noticed her.

Phantom and Nightmare were getting into an argument with Saverong about their defeat at Kazukudum.

"You guys really are pathetic, ya know! SERIOUSLY, OUR ENEMY EFFORTLESSLY DEFEATED YOU AND ME BY USING YOU AS A HUMAN FIREBALL!!!!!!", yelled Saverong.

"Hey, look at who you're talking to!", said Phantom.

"Yeah! Tick tick tick BOOM!", said Nightmare.

"If you two don't shut up, I'm gonna tick-tick-tick-boom your faces!", said Saverong.

"You're talking to the two headed monster who's more frightening than God-Emperor Nousaurong, dude! We're the reason that guy still has a sense of fear! When we were defeated by Firestar, Nousaurong realized that his strongest ally ever was defeated, so all hope at winning was lost! So he retreated! He needs us! WE ARE HIS GREATEST ALLIES, WE ARE THE STRONGEST ONES HERE!!!!!! WE'RE SO STRONG THAT NOUSAURONG HIMSELF IS SCARED OF US!!!!!", said Nightmare.

"Yeah, so shut up before we tick-tick-tick-boom YOUR face! Cower in fear, foolish mortal!", said Phantom.

"YEAH!!!!!! TICK TICK TICK BOOM!!!!!", screamed Nightmare.

Waldo Nightshade got annoyed by their arguing. She looked at the three knuckleheads with a scowl on her face, her eyes were glaring her intent to kill.

"Can the three of you just shut up?! Even Exzar and Nousaurong lose their patience when dealing with idiots like you! Say another word, and I'll kill you all right now! I'm just itching to kill something right now, and right now I have my eye set on you three!", said Waldo Nightshade.

The three of them shrank back in terror as she stared at them with her glaring eyes. She turned away from them.

"Phew! That was a close one! Tick tick tick boom!", said Phantom and Nightmare, panting in terror.

Waldo Nightshade turned back.

"Phantom.......Nightmare........SAVERONG!!!!!!!!", growled Waldo Nightshade.

"Uh oh!", said Phantom, Nightmare, and Saverong.

She grabbed Phantom and Nightmare in one hand while grabbing Saverong's collar the other.

"YOU'RE DEAD!!!!!!", screamed Waldo Nightshade.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!", screamed Phantom, Nightmare, and Saverong.

Resizagirl watched as the three knuckleheads flew above her head and crashed into a wall right behind her.

Waldo Nightshade summoned her weapon, Argreatus, a disk-shaped blade that cuts people's heads off when thrown.

"I'm gonna kill you all! First kill of the day! I LOVE THE SCENT OF BLOOD AND DEATH!!!!!!", laughed Waldo Nightshade.

"We're sorry!", wept Saverong, Phantom, and Nightmare.

"Sorry sure as hell ain't gonna cut it, buddy!", said Waldo Nightshade.

She was about to throw Argreatus when a hand grabbed her by the wrist.

It was the masked man.

"Let's not do anything hasty! Lord Moloch wouldn't want that now, would he! Our duty is to guard this shield generator! It's not to horse around, Phantom and Nightmare! Nor is it to kill to entertain one's bloodlust, Nightshade! Moloch has already grown fed up with your failures at Kazukudum, don't mess it up any further! If you do so, I will make you Nousaurong's next sacrifice!", said the man.

"Forgive me, Black Destructor!", said Waldo Nightshade.

"Since both Morquendi and Lord Shadowking were killed, Nousaurong has made me take their placement as one of the Seven Grimoires of Asmeth! Since this is my first mission as a Grimoire, I expect it to be a success! It is my responsibility as both a Grimoire and one of Lord Moloch's trusted lieutenants that I fight and kill in Nousaurong's name!", said the Black Destructor.

Phantom and Nightmare were crying in tears.

"What dedication you have, you're so inspiring!", wept Phantom.

"Yeah, tick tick tick boom!", said Nightmare.

"Glad to hear it, get up and help us!", said the Black Destructor.

Phantom, Nightmare, and Saverong got up off the floor and walked back to their positions, in the same path Resizagirl was heading.

Resizagirl stealthily approached the generator, but unbeknownst to her, Phantom and Nightmare were right behind her.

From Phantom and Nightmare's point of view, Resizagirl looked like she was the size of an action figure due to the fact the Phantom and Nightmare were four inches tall.

Before she could take another step, Phantom and Nightmare picked up Resizagirl and held her in their hand.

"What is this thing? It's got arms and legs and everything!", said Phantom.

"WE GOT AN INTRUDER!!!!!", screamed Nightmare.

Resizagirl tried to make Phantom and Nightmare lose their grip, but their grip was surprisingly strong.

With no other option, Resizagirl regrew to her normal size in order to make Phantom and Nightmare lose their grip on her, exposing herself to the enemy in the process.

"WHOA!!!!! TINY GIRL IS BIG NOW!!!!!! SHE'S BIG NOW!!!!! GUYS, HHHEELLLLLLP!!!!!!", screamed Phantom and Nightmare.

"PROTECT THE SHIELD GENERATOR AT ALL COSTS!!!!!!! TAKE HER OUT!!!!!!", yelled the Black Destructor.

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