Chapter Twenty Two: Preparing For The Battle Of Murguol

Start from the beginning

"Then that should be more of a reason to get my brother back! Look, I know you're all feeling a little helpless right now! I know our enemy is crazy powerful! I know that Nousaurong alone is strong enough to destroy we have here, little on him and an entire army! You're absolutely right, none of us have the slimmest of hope at escorting Nousaurong to the gates of Asmeth, so to speak! Only Jack can do that! Jack is the only one of us that can kill Nousaurong, thus the only one capable of overthrowing the leader of the Abyss! As you know, defeating the leader is key to taking down the Abyss! IF WE DON'T HELP JACK NOW AND LET HIM DIE, WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO THEN, HUH?!!!! ARE WE JUST GONNA PRAY TO EXZAR THAT THIS IS ALL JUST GONNA GO AWAY?!!!!! NO!!! THERE IS NO ESCAPING NOUSAURONG OR HIS MINIONS!!!!!! WE CAN IGNORE THIS PROBLEM ALL WE WANT, IT SURE AS ASMETH WON'T IGNORE US!!!!!! HE'LL HUNT US DOWN, ALL OF US!!!!! HE'LL SNUFF US ALL OUT, AND ANYONE ELSE WHO DARES OPPOSE HIM!!!!! IF WE DO NOTHING, THEN EVERYTHING YOU HAVE DONE MOST CERTAINLY WILL BE A LOST CAUSE, EVEN MORE SO THAN IT ALREADY IS!!!!!!! YOU THINK I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE GOING THROUGH?!!!! YOU THINK I DON'T KNOW THE GRAVITY OF THE SITUATION?!!!!!!!!! DO YOU HONESTLY THINK THAT I AM NOT SCARED OF OUR ENEMY?!!!!!!! Think again, buddies! I'm terrified of this guy! Even Dark Cranky wasn't this powerful, and even he was too terrifying for me! In fact, when I fought Dark Cranky during Space War II, I didn't even have an army of 1,000 men supporting my back! No, we were just eight stupid kids versus an entire empire led by a God! We weren't even the strongest of people! The government that initially supported us turned against us due to political corruption! For the bulk of the conflict, the government that supported us initially actually sided with the enemy and hunted us down as well! We could've given up, but we didn't! It was said during that fight that I was doomed to die should I face Dark Cranky, which eventually of course, I did! Even with all the shit I encountered, I kept on going! Soon, people saw us fighting, and decided to fight alongside us, all because they saw our fierce determination! In the end, we eight stupid kids took down an empire and a God because we had the guts to never give up!", said Waldo.

"I like that story, but this is different! Our enemy isn't Dark Cranky, he's Nousaurong!", said Jane.

"Nousaurong, Dark Cranky, Sadowsa, Shadowking, or whatever........DO YOU THINK THAT MATTERS?!!!!! My point is this, we have more people supporting us than we did during my fight against Dark Cranky! We have 1,000 men, and you have us! If we work together, we can win this fight! May I also add another thing about our planned attack?", said Waldo.

"Go on," said Jane.

"We are not the only ones fighting the Enemy! Surely you've heard the news! Oridia has launched an offensive attack on the Abyss! Unlike us, they have all the manpower you can think of! They have a force of 900 trillion men on their side, an army whose strength is equal to that of the Enemy! They're laying down their lives to destroy the Abyss, gambling everything they've got! That's quite remarkable considering the fact that Oridia suffered a huge loss after Shadowking assaulted the Freedlands a few months ago. Despite those heavy losses, they're still going just as they always have since Oridia was formed to begin with! Chances are that the Oridians themselves are also planning an attack on Murguol! Oridia will help us, I know it! They are one of the most powerful nations in the Multiverse, and the oldest existing nation in the Multiverse! As strong as they are, they alone cannot and should not be the only ones risking everything to take down the Abyss! We all must do our part and assist them! Oridia needs all the strength they can get, even if that strength is only a 1,000 men army! Wars may be fought with weapons, but they are won by the men who wield them! While wars are led by powerful leaders, in the end, it is the army who helps that leader win the war! Don't you see, with Oridia fighting the Enemy, now is the perfect time to strike! If Oridia goes, and if Jack goes, then any hope at stopping the Enemy is nil! DON'T YOU SEE, WE MUST ACT NOW!!!!!! Are you gonna let this opportunity slip by, or will you seize this opportunity to WIN THIS WAR ONCE AND FOR ALL?!", said Waldo.

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