34. The Mark of Deliora

Start from the beginning

It was a complete debacle but Father was seating on the lone couch with a serene countenance. By all odds, it was unquestionably him who did all this chaos.

"Greetings, Father."

I curtsied then regarded a small nod to Xenon who remained unmoving behind Father.

"You truly went beyond expectations," stated Father in a crisp tone.

His jaw tightened but his expression exuded stillness. It was the calm before the storm for Father was definitely livid. A myriad of thoughts came like a whirlpool inside my mind on whatever the reason was but there was only one that I kept denying since it was close to impossible.

My eyes went back to the tiled floor. The best solution was to be careful of my words and the best way to do it was to shut up.

"You managed to whore yourself to the King of Deliora at such a young age. Just who did you take after? Your mother was never a wench. It must be from your filthy grandparents..."

Every syllable was a hiss coated with venom degrading me. I tried to silence his voice, refusing to succumb to his disparaging opinions.

"...Read it, you monster."

A parchment was thrown to my feet. I already had a hint on what it was but I needed confirmation of my suspicions. I held my breath as I picked it up to see the content. It was beautifully made calligraphy with exquisite strokes on each letter yet its message could cause doom not only to myself but to every innocent people in this palace.

No matter how many times I reread it, the lines of merry congratulations confounded me. Why the hell was I chosen?

"You've grown dauntless in just mere days. I wonder if you had forgotten my words? Has three days from outside made you valorous and loosen your qualms perhaps?"

I glanced up. "F-Father. This doesn't mean anything. I had no idea they will---"

My whole being flinched when a piece of glass came flying toward me. It had an unmatched speed that I could not avoid, proving how skilled a fighter Father was even in his old age.

Warm blood trickled on the side of my neck as I suppressed the fright from his sudden attack.

"Three days not under my guard and you had no idea you were chosen, hm? You talk as if I had no eyes and ears with you. The servants had already informed you how smitten that good-for-nothing king was to you. I do commend how fast you move. I thought I had warned you about the repercussions but you seem to ignore it."

All of a sudden, Father bent down and it was at that point I spotted the long piece of metal lying near him.

I was so drawn to the sword and my eyes followed its movement. A loud gasp escaped my lips as the sword slashed at Xenon's chest. The unexpected blow made him crouch and I did not even have time to recover when another slit made its way on his back.

"As it may be, there is no better method to rekindle your memories than this, isn't it?"

All my energy deflated, witnessing the whole scenario. My emotions were waging in war as I clenched my hands to stop the shaking. I could not conceal the agitation and misery breaking free.

"F-f-father. Please stop."

I forced myself but my legs were too weak and almost wobbled as I reached them.

As usual, my begging never worked on him but only incited his cruelty. Another hit and I surrendered on my knees. I already owed Xenon multiple favors and I did not want him to suffer more because of me. The first time he did he almost lost his life.

"Father, I'm sorry. I'm sorry! I will quickly send my refusal. Just... just please stop hurting him."

"That goes without saying." He eventually dropped the sword and metal clinked, echoing in the room. "You will be sent to Deliora first thing in the morning. I presume good news when you return."

I nodded mindlessly but his next words crushed all the hope within me.

"This is just a reminder. If you failed one more time... it is your siblings that will bear the consequence."

I sunk into a turbulent rage that could never be let out. Only the oppression could be exposed from his wretched ultimatum. I always dreamt of a happy family back when I was younger. Unlike Father, my siblings were better than him. I did not want them to suffer the same as I. Essentially now that I had learned the truth.

It was only when I saw Gerald coming inside in my peripheral that I remembered Xenon was heavily beaten.

"Gerald, get the doctor. Now!" I ordered.

Panic roused within me as I could only stare at his lying body soaked with blood. He was bleeding nonstop. I hurried to his side, helplessly pressing my hands on his wounds attempting to stop the flowing blood.

I tore the hem of my dress and planned to take off his shirt but he quickly caught my hand.

"Let me," I mumbled.

He shook his head but his eyes drooped from the excessive blood loss. His face was white as a sheet but he was still conscious.

"We need to stop the bleeding, Xenon."

"Wait... D-doctor..."

"If you are worried about your secret, I already know, Xenon," I confessed.

With that, our gazes met. His hands slowly loosened up and I ripped his damaged shirt.

I wiped off the blood and on the bottom of his right chest, not too far away from his gash was another scar that slashed through a white hollowed column birthmark that seemed like it was intricately tattooed on the body. A snowflake that was a mark of his birthright.

It was when that dreadful night had happened that I first had a glimpse but it was later that I knew what it meant.

There were only two things that I had ever hid from Xenon. The identity of Ace and that I knew he was someone that should be long dead from the infamous purge of the Queen of Deliora. For the true royals of Deliora were known for their snowflake birthmark.

I bandaged his wound with the little medical knowledge I had. The time seemed so slow as the doctors had not yet arrived. The fear loomed over me thinking the worst.

He was the family I had when everyone had started treating me shit. Just like me, his family had abandoned him. His father let him be killed but he had survived although his life was not something to be proud of. Illegitimate child or not, he should be far greater than this. 

He may be the Captain of Ezriel Knight's Circle but he was in fact Father's slave comparable to me, minus the disgust that Father had with me.

I anticipated the day that we were able to be untangled from these lies and deceptions. I only wished it would come soon before everything was too late.



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