Chapter Eleven: The Battle of Sadika

Start from the beginning

"Boring! Just kill him already! I wanna go home!", interrupted Shawn.

"We already have seen Nousaurong's power firsthand! Even though he's not at his full strength, he is still powerful enough to destroy an entire island! He is just as strong, if not stronger than the Eight Elemental Gods themselves! We can't just pick a fight with him, beat him, dust off our hands, and walk away! He is too powerful for any of us! He's stronger than me, stronger than Shawn, stronger than Jack, stronger than Resizagirl, and stronger than Vanessa! This is coming from the guy who fought and killed Emperor Deathshadow!", said Waldo.

"I thought Baby Wipes was supposed to kick this guy's ass! He IS the Chosen One, after all!", said Shawn.

"Even if that's the case, Nousaurong is an Elder God, the most powerful being there is! Nousaurong was the one of the two beings who created the Multiverse, as well as the one being who can destroy it! Even if you're the Chosen One, your chances of defeating Nousaurong are slim to none! Yes, even if he's at his weakest state!", said Waldo.


"HA! See, this guy can't be it! THIS IS A JOB FOR GANGSTA SHAWN!!!!!", said Shawn.

"I'm saying that at this moment, it's impossible! That includes all of us, Shawn! Until we get stronger, fighting Nousaurong is impossible! Remember our last two fights, we only escaped him because he allowed us to! That's why we must hide from him, why we must escape this place! Until we reach the Freedlands, we are constantly on the run, we are constantly going to be in hiding! The longer these fights persist, the longer we remain here, the more doomed we are to die!", said Waldo.

"LAME SAUCE!", said Shawn.

"Okay, I'm just gonna ignore that!", said Waldo.

"Smart move," said Jack.

"So what now?", said Vanessa.

"We find a safe and easy way out! Hopefully, we can buy a ship from this place and escape! Although even if that does happen, our chances of escaping are still low!", said Waldo.

"Again, why buy one when we can just steal one!", said Shawn.

"Shawn, you just don't listen, do you?! I just said we can't risk exposing ourselves!", said Waldo.

"Yeah Shawn, you just don't listen because you're a dummy!", said Jack.

"You got a better idea, Baby Wipes?!", said Shawn.

"No, but Waldo has better ideas!", said Jack.

"Thanks Jack! You see, Jack the only sibling who has a clue!", said Waldo.

"Thanks Waldo!", said Jack.

"You're all so mean to me!", said Shawn.

"Yeah, that's coming from the guy who calls everyone he meets a dumbass!", said Waldo.

"Why can't we risk exposing ourselves?!", said Shawn.

"Cause Nousaurong will find us and kill us, genius!", said Waldo.

"So what, we can handle him! We fought him twice already, and we won!", said Shawn.

"Only because he allowed us to! If he didn't allow us to win, we would've been dead!", said Waldo.

"You're making it sound like we got no chance!", said Shawn.

"THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYING!!!!!!! GAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!", screamed Waldo.

Jack patted Waldo's shoulder.

"I feel you, man! This guy just doesn't get it!", said Jack.

"ANYWAYS, JUST FOLLOW MY PLAN!!!!!!! LET'S GO BUY A SHIP!!!!!!!", said Waldo.

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