Chapter Ten: The Battle of the Border

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He bowed before the God-Emperor.

"God-Emperor Nousaurong, the Dark Abyss Border Patrol has spotted a large Oridian fleet approaching our border! King John is with them!", said the soldier.

Nousaurong laughed.

"Good! Then I can crush them myself, when the time is right! My first month of being back in action is the best one I have had in the last 900 trillion years! I wish to play with my discarded toys for a little bit longer! Get me into contact with Commander Zækiüs!", said Nousaurong.

"Of course, God-Emperor Nousaurong!", said the soldier.

A holographic screen appeared before Nousaurong. Commander Zækiüs stood before Nousaurong.

"God-Emperor Nousaurong, what do you command?", said Zækiüs.

"Is there an Oridian fleet approaching our border?", said Nousaurong.

"Yes, a really big one!", said Zækiüs.

"How big?", said Nousaurong.

"It is honestly the biggest fleet I have seen approaching our borders in a long long time!", said Zækiüs.

"So my discarded toys have decided to play with ME, haven't they?! Doesn't matter! The best offense is the best defense! I can't stand having discarded toys be the ones playing with the toymaker! The toymaker is the one who plays with the discarded toys! I could probably destroy half of this fleet by myself, but even I find one-sided fights to be boring! I want to play some more with my toys before I break them!", said Nousaurong.

"What are you orders, master! I doubt my forces could hold these savages back by myself with my own fleet!", said Zækiüs.

"Hold them back?! You will do no such thing, Commander Zækiüs! WE WILL LET THEM INSIDE OUR PERIMETERS!!!!!!!", said Nousaurong.

"What are your orders, then?!", said Zækiüs.

"Do what you do best, rain fire upon them! Provoke them! Make them angry! Just don't go too crazy! We don't want to cause any permanent damage! We don't want to scare them away! We want them angry, angry enough to the point where retreat isn't an option! Anger is a wonderful thing, isn't it?", said Nousaurong.

"But why let them inside our perimeters?! If they attack us, they'll put your plans to using Jack as your sacrifice in jeopardy!", said Zækiüs.

"Let me handle good ol' Jackie! You guys focus on making those Oridians MAD! Understand?! FIGHT THEM TO THE DEATH LIKE ALWAYS, BUT LET THEM WIN!!!!!!!! MOBILIZE YOUR FLEETS!!!!!!!!", said Nousaurong.

"YES SIRE!!!!! HEIL NOUSAURONG!!!!!!!!", said Zækiüs.

Zækiüs hung up.

Nousaurong sat in his throne. He laughed and talked to himself.

"So it has begun, hasn't it, Johnny? So be it, game on," laughed Nousaurong.

King John and his massive fleet had arrived at the border between Oridia and the Abyss.

The first ship that could be seen in the Oridian fleet was known as the Grandmaster, the ship that was flown by the King of Oridia. In this instance, it was being flown by King John. There were other people inside the Grandmaster as well. Commander Sunseth was also in the Grandmaster, as well as two members from the Oridian Council. These were Aquaking and Falcon, the oldest members of the Oridian Council. They were also the strongest members as well due to the fact that both of them were two of the Eight Elemental Gods. So it only made since that they assisted their King. Aquaking was the God of Water, and Falcon was the God of Wind. Grandma Zar and Sensei Esorong were also in the Grandmaster as well.

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