stay away from my friends

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Stay Away From My Friends~ Pierce theVeil


They're still right behind me. I hear my name over and over again.

It stops.

Everything stops.

The people aren't walking, the cars aren't speeding, and the guys have stopped in their tracks.

I turn around and see a giant ditch. Of course I jumped over it, continuing to run. Everything continues on with life like nothing happened. But I don't hear footsteps pacing quickly behind me, I only here the slight sound of cars go by. I try to find the guys but I only see Tony.


I made my way up to Tony, reaching for his out stretched hand. I quickly pulls his hand away, shoving it in his pocket. What have I done..?

"I'm done" what?

"I'm done, trying to fix your life, your problems, ju- everything! I'm sick and tired of running after you, and I'm tired of holding onto something that isn't there." He examined my face, looking for a sign.

"Okay" I stuttered.

"Goodbye" he turned and walked away.

"Go! Leave, just like everyone else!" I cried. I hear him stop.

"You're pathetic! Do you know that? Why couldn't you have died with your parents? Huh? Freak" this wasn't the Tony I knew...

"I've tried, believe me, I've slit my wrists, I loaded a gun, made my noose, I, took, some, pills... I've tried to take my life" tears brimmed his eyes,

"Carson I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me. -"

"Your emotions did. Goodbye," I kissed his cheek and turned on my heels, walking away. I see Vic and Jaime trying to comprehend what just happened. I give them a sad smile, walking to the bush they sat on.

"I love you guys..." I sobbed into the hug. I shouldn't leave.

"I'm staying."

Hey Pierce The Veil? Who am I to you?Where stories live. Discover now