Pittsburg- The Amity Affliction

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The boys finished their set and we walked off stage. The uproar of cheers filled the auditorium. Mike walks over to me and reaches for a hug.

"Awh HELL nah, you ain't touching me with yo sweaty nasty body!" I yell.

"Chill, I was going for a high five but never mind," he chuckled, shaking his head. Sleeping with Sirens is next and I want to see them play. I mean after all, they did say really nice things to me. ( if the writing is bad rn I'm sorry but I'm taking a poop)

"Hey guys, I'm gonna go watch SWS play," I waved myself away from the sweaty bodies as I made my way to the side stage, next to Katelynn (if that's how you spell it)

"Hi!" She flashed her white, shiny teeth at me.

"Hey," I replied, in an uninterested tone.

"Aweh, sweetheart, what's wrong?"
She pouts her bottom lip out.

"Eh, just boy trouble.." I shrug. I explain to her the past few days. She nods, telling me to continue.

"And that's basically why I'm so down right now." I frowned, looking at my shoes.

"Cheer up kid, there's a surprise waiting for you in the middle of their concert!" She cheered, jumping up and down.

"What?" Laughing it out.

"You'll see" a smirk made its way soon her lips.

"How the fuck are you Chicago?!" Kellin screamed into the hand held mic, covered in duct tape. Screams and cheers erupted from the floor, and jumping up and down. Earthquakes of shaking arose from our feet.

"That's fucking great you guys!" Kellin yelled, as if he knew how the fans were.

They played Kick Me, and katelynn and I rocked out, laughing our guts everywhere.

Next was Go Go Go, from there new album Madness. I love this song.

"Okay guys" Kellin spoke in his soft voice.

"This song goes out to the people who don't have their mother or father" he spoke.

"If you are going to bring someone into this, Harsh, Cruel world, you have to stick by them, you can't just give up. And this song is dedicated to all of you guys, and a special girl, who didn't want to come on this tour, but we love her and can't lose her, come here Carson!" Justin called my name in the mic Nick had. I walked over the electrical chords. Getting to the Centre of the stage, i received hugs from Jack, Jesse, Gabe, who came from around his drum set, and then Kellin. Justin was the last to hug me,

"This is for you Doll," he whispered in my ear, sending chills down my spine.

"This song is called A Trophy Father's Trophy Son." Kellin finished, holding his mic in the air.

Father, Father

Tell me where have you been?

It's been hell not having you here

I've been missing you so bad

And you don't seem to care

When I go to sleep at night

You're not there, yeah!

When I go to sleep at night

Do you care? Oh.

Do you even miss us

Your bottles your mistress

I need to know

I need to know

Why are you walking away?

Was it something I did?

Did I make a mistake?

I'm, trying to deal with the pain.

I don't understand this,

Is this how it is?

Is this what you call a family?

Is this what you call a family?

Been seven years wishing

That you'd draw the line

But I carry the thought along

With you in my mind

So is this what you call a family?

Is this what you call

A family?!

By the end of the song I was sobbing into my hands, I crouched down to the ground. I felt a pair of arms pull at my torso


He hands his bass to the crew and picks me up to my feet. I turn to face his sweaty body. I fall into his arms, staining his shirt with my salty tears.

"I love you, and I promise you that no matter what, I will be here for you and even if I'm not physically here, I'm in your mind." He sighs, walking me to Katelynn.

Hey Pierce The Veil? Who am I to you?Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin