Farewell, My Love...

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"What's going on?" Lynn eyes search for an answer in my heavy breathing.

"All of the guys were questioning me. So I left, and then Vic came and talked to me. Justin came and pissed me off, so I ran here," I look down. Shame fills my head, knowing that I lied to the people who helped me.

"Why'd you lie?" Brad's lips form a little frown, his eyes glisten with confusion.

"They were right outside, looking for me. I was scared that you were going to call them here. I was scared of what was happening, I couldn't process it through my thick skull," I chuckle at my criticizing humour. The three of them chuckle.

"So what are you gonna do now?" Alex leans his head back on the ledge of the window.

"I'm leaving," I blurt out. Gasps from them split the air like an ax.

"No you're not," Lynn laughs.

"Yes I am," I state, with a little more confidence.

"Wait, you can't though..." Alex's voice wisps through my ears.

"I've done enough to that band, everything bad," a tear slides down to comfort my quivering lip.

"What's are you going to tell the guys? They won't let you," Brad's eyebrows knit together.

"I'll tell them face to face, then walk out," I quickly wipe the wet salt drop off my cheek.

"It's easier said than done, period. Let's stop talking about it, and have fun while you're still here. We can go to the amusement park, the pier, or the Carnival down a few minutes." Alex wipes away his tear that made its way to his chin.

"Carnival?" I look around for approval. Their heads bob up and down, smiling at my choice in adventure.

~*At Le Carnival*~

We walk through the tall barriers coloured in yellows and blues and reds. Screams, cheers and laughter all sink into the sea below us, as new sounds form. Butter and salt fill my nostrils with a smell of POPCORN!

"Popcorn!" I jump up and down, pointing to the food stand.

"Don't you want to wait till after you ride rides?" Lynn laughs, hanging on to Brad for dear life.

"Oh yeah," Duh.

"Ooh ooh there's that Really really tall one," Alex looks up at the rails of the Dipper. The cart swings around the bends and descends as it gets faster.

"Noooooo," I cross my arms to form an X, for X-actly what do you think you're doing?

"C'mon it'll be fun," by this time, Lynn and Brad left for game booths. So much for 'quality time with each other'

"Fine," I hobble my way over to him, who's already 20 or so people deep in the line.

"Do I really have to go? I'm much of a rollercoaster rider..." My eyes plead for a 'you don't have to'.

"Yes you have to! It's your last day here!" He throws his arms up in exasperation.(big words ikr)

"Next!" The old man at the front of the line announces. My body trembles in fear as I cross the kind of no return.

"This one!" Alex slides into the VERY first cart. I sigh and slide in. Another one of the managers clicks my seatbelt closed, and the safety bar thing goes over my head.

"Three, two, onnnneeeee!" The audio speaker cheers. The ride whips across the tracks and I scream in true fright.

Sharp right turn
Bail left turn
Loop dee loop
Upside down
Right side up
Repeat 3x

The ride finally haults. All of the bars over our heads rise. I scramble off of the monster and lay on the cold concrete.

"Come on!" Alex's joyfulness after the ride makes me want to puke. He grabs me by the waist and pulls me up over his shoulder.

"That was horrible!" I cry out. Who could withstand that?!

"Ha, let's go meet up with the others." His slow movement up and down tells me we're going to the food court place thingy.

~*at le food place*~

He sets me down on the bench of the table.

"What do you want?" He points to the places with edible food.

"Funnel cake!" I gleam my white teeth at him.

"Okay fine," he jogs
Away into the crowd of crazies.

"Hey hey hey," Lynn moves her head side to side.

"Heeeey," I copy her.

"So, wutrugoingtodo?" She asks with a mouth full of steak.

"I'm gonna go get my things, tell them, leave, and live with Katia," I explain who Katia is and who she is to me.

"Oohhhhh okay," Lynn chews the last bits of steak in her mouth, then picks at the pieces that got caught in between her teeth.

~*after food and going to bus*~

The walk home was silent. The only things that were heard were the cars driving by, the crickets, and the soft pants of us four. The bus starts to play into view and so does Vic.

"Hey, where were you?" He looks around for his answer.

"We were at the carnival because we were saying goodbye," Brad glares a deep stinkeye at me.

"To whom?" Vic's eyes cross confusion head on.

"To Carson, duh. She's almost 17." Brad gives Vic the 'wtf is wrong with you' face.
(A/N this whole story is over time so she's 3 years older)

"Wait what?!"

Good going Brad...


Hey Pierce The Veil? Who am I to you?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ