Last Chapter. If You love me let me go..

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"Way to rat me out Brad!" I groan, covering my red face with my quivering hands.

"Why?" Vic's voice is now overly high, like he sucked in a tank of helium.

"I'm a burden. Don't try and talk me out of this, I've already made plans to live with Katia in Vegas." I wipe away my poisoning tears.

"No you can't leave, you can't-" I cut him off with an embrace of sorrow, his breathing hitches and and his arm muscles clench to my sides. I inhale his scent of Old Spice and cucumber.

"I'll miss you," I hiccup, holding back the fresh tears that would soon sting my eyes.

"You know, I've always loved you," Vic whispers in my ear sending shivers down my spine. "Even though I've moved on, you will always be a part of me," he pulls out of a warm hug and places his rough hands on my shoulders.

"I love you too, but not in that way!" I panic. He chuckles, and smiles.

"Well you should tell the boys," his smile quickly vanishes and runs to the bus.

"Well, this is goodbye," I pout just as Alex jumps into a hug, a bone crushing hug.

~* at the guys' bus*~

So I guess you guys have heard." I look down at my tattered shoes.

"Doll, I know you're making a mistake. You can't just make decisions like this without me, with out us!" He gestures to the rest of the guys.

"I'm almost eighteen, I can now live on my own. I've grown up tough. You guys have taught me how to deal with things I couldn't have." A tear, yet again, slips past my nose.

"Vic, remember when I knocked on your house in San Diego? I thought the town was sooo sketchy. You opened the door, and thought I was selling cookies," I giggle, " you let me in because the fangirls and paparazzi were everywhere. Jaime was at the fridge, asking what you guys had to eat, Tony and Mike were sleeping," a few other stray tears escape, " and you guys accepted me like I was part of your family," I furiously wipe my waterworks away from my fave and fling them on the floor, for a memory.

"You were family, when I opened that door, I saw someone who was lost, but also hopeful. Now look at you, you're beautiful, smart, and stronger than you were before. If I said no, I wouldn't live with myself." Vic's eyes filled with sorrow and hope that I would stay.

A honk signals that it's Katia, picking me up.

"Bye," I hugged each of the guys, telling them what I'm gonna miss about them;

Justin; his words of wisdom, and his ways of treating me like a sister.

Jaime; the way he would always crack a joke in the most serious times.

Vic; how he played his guitar to my favorite songs when I was depressed.

Mike; how he used to pick me up and spin me around.

Lynn, Brad, and Alex; how they took me in when I needed it the most.

The rest of Sleeping With Sirens; how they would know what to say and what to do to get me to talk.

And last,

Tony; how his kisses left me speechless, his smile made me melt, his
Love for Star Wars, when he would stand up for me even when he himself was shy, and how his unconditional love saved me.

I wave from the car door, tears spewing from my eyes like a broken faucet.

"Hey, you ready?" Katia rubs my back.

"To move? Not really, for a new life? Definitely not,"


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