Twenty one

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[10 minutes later]

After calling emergency, the girls went down to pull Seojun out of the water. Y/n pulled him into her embrace hoping he was okay.

Then ambulance and police sirens were heard from up the road.

"I'll get them." Jiwon hesitantly says as she sees Y/n caressing Seojun's lifeless body. Y/n didn't say anything.

Not long after Jiwon comes back with paramedics and some police officers.

"Don't worry ladies. We will take it from here." One of the paramedics said as they took ahold of Seojun from Y/n.

As they were inspecting his body, checking his wounds and vitals. The police brought the girls to the side for questioning.

The girls were now sitting on the cabin's porch with the blankets that was given by the paramedics.

They were waiting to see if Seojun was okay and also waiting for their parents who the police called not long ago.

"Oh my god Y/n." Mrs. Lee was heard running towards her daughter followed by Mr. Lee.

Then Jiwon's parents came.

"Are you okay? What happened? Are you hurt?" Mrs. Lee hugged her daughter while checking for any injuries.

She tiredly took her mother's hands off her face. "I'm fine. It's Seojun. We're still waiting for what the paramedics have to say."

After a few minutes one of the paramedics came.

"How is he?" Y/n went ahead first with Jiwon by her side. The paramedic was hesitant at first. "He did hit his head pretty hard and lost a lot of blood."

Y/n started to break down first. Tears just running down her face. "I'm sorry but we weren't able to save him."

The paramedic then went back to the ambulance to do final finishings as they get ready to leave.

Y/n dropped to the ground, knees first. Jiwon just stood there with no words.

"This is all your fault!" Jiwon screamed as she pushed Y/n to the ground. Their parents got up to break the girls apart.

"How is this my fault?!" She cried. "It's just is!" Jiwon yelled back. Y/n furrowed her eyebrows and had her mouth wide open.

"Jiwon stop." Jiwon's mother sternly said. She went quiet.

"Okay I think we should settle this. We all know Seojun has no parents and we don't want this to be out in the world." Mr. Lee started.

"Dad." Y/n quietly said.

"We will offer 200 grand to keep this on the down low and not talk to any reporters about this." Mr. Lee offered the hush money as if they were in Riverdale right now.

"Deal." Mr. Han and Mr. Lee shook hands then both families went their separate ways.

After packing up their stuff, the girls didn't make eye contact as they went to their respective cars.


Trauma. Y/n totally shaken up. She herself was lifeless with dried up tears all over her face.

"How are you feeling?" Y/n's mother asks. Instead of sitting in the passenger seat, she sat in the back with Y/n, holding onto her.

She didn't say anything. Flashes of Seojun falling back, the water slowly turning red, and his lifeless body that laid in her arms. It's all replaying in her head, over and over again.

[About an hour later]

They finally have reached home.

The lights were still on. Meaning Felix has stayed up waiting for the return of his family.

"Y/n." He says as he sees his sister all shaken up enter the house. Instead of acknowledging his presence, she weakly walked past him and went straight to her room.

"What happened?" He asks his parents.

Mr. Lee sighed. "Come. Sit Felix. I think it's best you should know."

"And promise us you will take very good care of your sister." Mrs. Lee added.

"Forever and always." Felix said.

(A/N: The Originals anyone? Sorry I've been watching too much Netflix while typing this.)



(The day she gets in trouble and sent to the boarding school)

[Two weeks later]

"Where are you going?" Y/n came walking downstairs being fully dressed up. "Out." She said with a 'duh' tone.

"You know you can't. Mom and Dad are out for a meeting and they told us we aren't allowed out." Felix said. "Here. We can-" Felix was about to take out a game controller until he heard the front door open then shut closed.


The smell of alcohol. The dark room with flashing lights. Music can be heard.

Y/n had just entered a bar.

"Can I have a double vodka please?" She waved at the bartender. The bartender looked at her from top to bottom. "Can I see some ID please? Or at least the fake ID you may carry?"

"You're not going to kick me out, are you?" She nervously asks. The bartender chuckled. "Look you can take a seat, I'll hand you a soda, and I won't tell my boss a minor is present in this bar."

"Thanks...Raina." She read the nametag of the bartender. "Yeah and it's on the house." She smiled as she walks away to help another customer.

As she drinks her soda she notices a group of familiar people outside the bar.

She exited the bar to be met with the group. They were a group of seniors. They were like Y/n and Jiwon but worse.

"Oh look at the little one." Somin, one of seniors, said taking notice of the girl. Then the other three looked up.

"Ah I know you. Where's the other two? Busy doing child's work and stealing candy from babies?" Jiwoo added.

"Come on, leave her alone. You can tell she's much better than the other two. She's 16 and she just exited the bar." BM said.

"Hey wanna join us? We're just about to go and tag somewhere." J.Seph said.

"Sure." Is all she said.


"Hey you're pretty good." Jiwoo commented on Y/n's work. "Thanks."

Then she went to find another can from their bag. "What's this?" She pulled out some can that didn't have any print on it.

"Wait. Don't shake it." It was too late.

Some unknown solids came shooting out of the top and it slammed to the closest car, resulting to the alarms to go off. Too bad it was a police car.

"Let's go." BM said. They all started to gather their stuff and begin to run away. But it was too late for Y/n. A police officer came running down the street and was only able to catch Y/n.

Then the rest was history.

The New Girl |Hwang Hyunjin| ✔Where stories live. Discover now