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Today's the day.

Today is the first day of fall break and today is also where the group goes out on the road for their weekend of cabin fun.

"Just say the word and I'll call the guys saying we can't make it." Felix said as they were about to head out the door.

Y/n gave him a reassuring smile. "I know how much you want to protect me right now. But I haven't been to the place in all these years and I think it's time I...face my past."

Felix sighed. "Y/n..."

"Come on and you promised to give Seungmin, Changbin, and Jeongin a ride there too. So we have no other choice anyways."

"Okay. But if you change your mind-" She then went behind her brother and forcefully pushed him out the door. "I'm not going to change my mind. Here's the keys and let's get going. I'm promise you, all fun and no worrying."

"Hey I think I forgot my bag." He was about to leave the car. "Drive. We already packed our bags in the trunk."

Time skip to where everyone arrives the cabin

"We're here." Felix says as he turns into the cabin's 'parking lot' considering anywhere you park is a parking lot.

"Woah that's a nice looking cabin." Seungmin says as he looks out the window.

"It just looks like a mansion in the middle of nowhere." Jeongin commented.

'Jiwon's parents must have used the hush money to renovate this place.' Y/n thought as she looked upon the new-looking cabin.

Everyone excitedly exited the cars and took notice of the nice "cabin" that stands in front of then.

Of course the five of them rode in one car. Then there was Chan, Hyunjin, and Minho in one car. And the final car with Jisung, Jiyoon, and Gina.

"Here let me help." Y/n was pulling out her stuff from the car as she hears two voices speak from each side of her.

She looked up and saw Jisung then looked at Hyunjin. Each of their hands were on her bag waiting for the other to let go first.

Y/n broke the silence first before it got too tense. "It's okay. I got it. Thanks for the offer." Then left with the two awkwardly looking at each other.

"Jisung where's the keys?" Jiyoon asks at the front door.

"Keys? Keys. Keeeeys." Jisung questioned as he patted himself hoping for some metal object to just appear in his pockets.

"You forgot the keys?!" Chan panicked in wide eyes which was then followed by a couple of groans. "I'm sorry guys." Jisung sighed.

"Don't worry." Y/n said. She then turned a light that was hanging on the wall next to the door and pulled out a singular key.

 She then turned a light that was hanging on the wall next to the door and pulled out a singular key

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(The front door and light would look like this. But image more prettier, more richer lol)

"Woah have you been here before Y/n?" Minho asks. "Uhh I may have." Is all she said. She then opened the door for everyone to enter.

Y/n sighs as she puts the key back where it belongs. "Thank you Jiwon." She softly says to herself.

"This place has changed so much." Y/n looks around and she didn't have much expression on her face. The place seemed to have gotten larger but most decorations and pictures were the same.

"How long?" A voice asks from behind her as she was looking at the various photos of Jiwon and Jisung with their family. The sudden voice didn't phase her at all. "Huh?" She turns to see Jisung looking at the same photos.

"How long has it been since you were last here?" He asks.

"5 years." She said in a small tone. "This place may have changed but the things that happened that day...I can still feel it." She added.

"How are you feeling?"

"Fine. Now that you're here." She gave him a small smile as he returned her a smile.

"Hey Jisung where's your kitchen? Chan and I bought so much meat for this weekend and we gotta keep it chill." Minho called him from across the room.

"Be right back." He said as he walked away. Then Y/n continued to look through the pictures.

She came across a specific photo that caught her eyes. A photo with the three of them posing in front of Jiwon's car that was parked in her driveway.

"She kept it?" Y/n furrowed her eyebrows as she picked up the framed picture.

"Is that him? Is that Seojun?" Jiyoon spoke from behind Y/n. She nodded without looking at her.

"Was that just sitting there?" She asks. "It looks like it." Y/n replied.

"Huh that's weird." Jiyoon said.

"What's weird?" Y/n asks as she looks at Jiyoon.

"If you look at the other frames, there is already dust forming on them. But this one. This one is perfectly clean, you can even see the shine on the glass." Jiyoon pointed out.

"Are you saying Jiwon comes here just for this picture. Just to keep it clean?" Y/n furrowed her eyebrows.

"I don't know. It seems like it." She shrugged. "I should ask her about this." Y/n says looking at the picture again.

"You need me for back up?" Y/n chuckled. "No need. I can handle it."

"Okay." Jiyoon patted her shoulder then walked away.

Y/n then puts down the picture. "Why did you keep this?" She speaks aloud.

(A/n: I imagined a PLL scenerio when I typed that sentence lol)

The New Girl |Hwang Hyunjin| ✔Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt