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(This chapter is about that day. The day where it all happened. Warning : There is a mention of blood.)

5 years ago

Knock knock

"Y/n?" Seojun smiled before opening his room door but his smile slightly dropped at the sight of the person in front of him. "Expecting someone else?" Jiwon smirked as she enters his room then sat on the edge of the door.

"Why aren't you sleeping? It's literally the middle of the night." He asks as he closed the door and walked back.

"I should be asking you the same thing." She said. Seojun then sat next to Jiwon but keeping a distance.

"Y/n's sleeping in her room and I wanted to come here because I'm bored and couldn't sleep."

"What do you wanna do? We can watch tv or like play games until we're both tired." He suggested.

He was about to get up until Jiwon stopped him and sat a little closer to him.

"I have something else in mind." Jiwon said in a low tone. She looked into Seojun's eyes hoping he gets what she means.

"What is that?" He asks in the same low tone.

Jiwon then puts her face closer to Seojun while on the other side, he was a little hesitant.

Then it happened.

Their lips meet and Jiwon led the kiss first. It was slow at first until she tried to heat the kiss.

That's when Seojun pulled away and stopped her. "Wait I can't do this."

"What? But didn't you feel it?" She tried to kiss him a second time but he pulled his head before she got the chance.

"I'm sorry Jiwon. I don't feel the same way, I hope you can understand."

"Who do you like then?" She asks without looking at him.


"If not me, then who do you like?" She looks up at him with persistence in her eyes.

He pursed his lips before finally cave in. "Please don't tell her. I know we tell each other everything but I like Y/n."


"Yeah. Oh god you're going to tell her aren't you?" He panicked.

"No. No. Don't worry. We're all best friends, I won't tell her a thing. I'll just head to my room then." Jiwon stood up and dusted her pants.

"Thanks Ji. And I'm really sorry."

"Oh don't even worry. I understand." She slightly nodded her head. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah." She lied. "Completely fine. Well better rest up because we have a fun day ahead of us."

"Yeah we do. Well I'll see you in the morning."

[The Next Day]

"Breakfast was good guys." Y/n smiled. "Yeah it was great." Jiwon gave a fake smile but they didn't seem to notice it.

But Y/n did notice a different tone in Jiwon's voice.

"Ji, are you okay? You seem...unusual." Y/n looked at her with confusion.

Jiwon glanced at Seojun who was obviously looking at Y/n, who didn't even notice, then looked back at Y/n.

"Yeah totally fine."

Y/n furrowed her eyebrows. "Okay."

[A few hours later]

"Hey we shouldn't waste a perfect day. I say we hit that glistening lake outside and enjoy the rest of the day out in the water." Seojun suggested.

"Yeah." Y/n agreed with Jiwon following her.

After they changed into their swimwear they headed outside.

"I know the perfect spot we can go to." Jiwon led the way and they were met with a cliff ledge that was slightly high above the open lake.

(A/N: If you've seen The 100 where in the first season they came across a lake with a small cliff-like ledge. And image the height of the ledge like where in the movie, Grown Ups, where they swung on the rope swing. Something like that. Sorry if you didn't see either of those, I'm bad at explaining things)

"Woah. Exciting." Y/n said as she looks down at the slightly clear water.

"Seojun I dare you to do a back flip into the water." Jiwon suddenly said.

"What?" Seojun and Y/n said. "If you want to impress anybody" She says as she points her head towards Y/n, "then now's the chance."

"You don't have to do it." Y/n said.

"It's okay. What's a little risk?" Seojun started to take off his shirt and shrugged his shoulders. "No really Jun. You don't have to do it."

"He said he's going to do it. Come on Y/n loosen up." Jiwon playfully elbowed her side.

"Fine." She caved in then stepped back giving Seojun more room to do his backflip into the water.

Nobody noticed but Jiwon kicked a stick behind Seojun's feet hoping he would just fall on his butt and embarrass himself in front of Y/n.

But the universe had other plans.

Instead of just going straight into the backflip, Seojun took a step back leading him to slip back.

Nobody was fast enough, Seojun ended up falling back and off the ledge. "AHHH!" Jiwon and Y/n screamed out loud.

They both kneeled over the ledge. They shouldn't have because they probably saw the most traumatic thing ever.

Seojun fell into the water but not successfully. As his body hit the lake, his head hit a rock on shore. There was nothing but blood oozing out of his head and the red colored water that surrounds his body.

"Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god." Y/n quickly stood up, struggling to get her phone out of her pocket.

"What are you doing?" Jiwon said panicked. "I'm calling an ambulance!" She yelled as she puts her phone next to her ear.

The New Girl |Hwang Hyunjin| ✔حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن