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Dinner wasn't as ideal either. Sure she was getting along well with Felix's friends and her friends were getting along with his friends.

But something was off.

She felt some tension with Jisung and for some reason, she felt a bit distant from Hyunjin.

Not once, since the group has arrived, did Hyunjin or even Y/n spoke to each other. It was weird.

Then she decided to fix that, "Hyunjin. How was your day?" She asked out of the blue. "Uh it was fine, pretty chill. I...I saw a kid win that lion doll from that claw machine and it reminded me of you." He smiled to himself.

Oh right I skimmed through that part, didn't I? Well remember that day when they hung out for the first time, you know when they went to the arcade, the market, then star gazing. Yeah that day.

Well their first stop, the arcade. Y/n was intrigued by a lion doll presented in a claw machine and she was determined to get it.

Her trying to get the doll was the funniest thing he saw that day. He has never seen her so frustrated over a game.

After many tries and many dollars spent, she gave up. Then they went on to enjoy other games while Hyunjin teased her about her biggest defeat from earlier.

"Oh was it a lion doll?" She tried to play it off cool. "I wasn't that interested so I wouldn't remember."

"Sure you would. You spent ten dollars on that game. You were going to spend more until I had to step in and save you from robbing yourself." He chuckled.

Like that, the distant feeling was no longer there.

"Well don't forget when I beaten you on that one game."

He cocked his head. "Oh yeah, what game was that?"

"Uh." She pursed her lips trying to come up with at least something. He chuckled, "Uh huh. That's what I thought."

"Woah when did this happen?" Minho teasingly asked with everyone now looking at the two.

"You were really silent when you got here, now you're suddenly laughing." Chan said.

"Isn't obvious?" Gia said with a 'duh' tone. "What's obvious?" Hyunjin looked at Gia with an innocent look of an child.

Before she answered she caught Felix trying to shake his head as he picked up his water. Then she stammered her words, "Isn't obvious that they are clearly close now that they got to know each other."

"Uh yeah, totally. I think we've all gotten really close." Jiyoon said.

"Well now we got that covered. Can you guys tell my sister how good of a cook I am?" Felix whined at the end of the table.

"Hey thanks for getting these comforters. It was cool of you guys to let us stay overnight." Chan said as he got settled in.

"Yeah wouldn't want my friends to wake up in the morning with messed up backs." Y/n smiled.

After everyone got settle with themselves and their blankets, Felix and Y/n then found their spots by their friends.

Because there were only three girls with 8 guys, Felix decided they should sleep on the 3 couches so that the boys and girls were separated in the room.

"Hey Chan before the night ends, you should tell us one of your infamous scary stories." Seungmin said.

"Ahh yes." The boys agreed.

"Okay get comfortable everyone." Chan cleared his throat, preparing to tell a scary story.




Total darkness.

There she stand by herself in total darkness. When she turned around she was met with a dark figure.

"Hello." She whispers.

She slowly stepped closer to find a slightly taller figure with their back turned.

She reached for their shoulder. "Hello-"

"Seojun?" She jumped. "Y/n." Is all he said.

"What happened to you?" She breathed as she looks at him from head to toes. His hair was a mess, lips were blue and nose was the color red, his clothes were drenched, and he was barefooted.

"You happened. You did this to me, remember?" He whispers. Y/n shook her head, " wasn't me I swear. Jiyoon pushed you into it, I told you not to do it." She whimpered.

"You pushed me." He said a little louder. "No I didn't."

"You pushed me." A little more louder. "No I didn't.

"You pushed me!" He yelled. "I didn't!"




"Y/n." Someone whispers as Y/n shot up, hyperventilating. "I didn't. I didn't. I didn't." She repeated in a panic.

"Shh. Y/n you're okay, breathe. Come with me." Jisung whispers leading Y/n into the kitchen.

"What happened?" She asks as Jisung hands her a glass of water. "I couldn't sleep and I saw you tossing and turning, so I went over to check on you."

"I'm sorry for waking you." She says as she looks down at the kitchen counter with her cup in hand. "Don't be. Then I wouldn't become able to come and check on you." He softly smiled. "So you wanna tell what happened?"

She sighed, "It's back." He looked at her with soft eyes. "The nightmares?" She just nodded.

Yes this wasn't the first time Y/n has had her nightmares. Ever since Seojun's incident she has had many versions of these nightmares. She was able to handle it before only because she distracted herself with doing more troubled things. Until her parents decided with her sudden outbreak behavior, they should send her away to a boarding school for troubled ones. That's when her nightmares got worse.

For the first week, it was tossing and turning, screaming and arguing all night. That's when Jiyoon came in to help. She was the first person to know about her nightmares and as weeks past by Jiyoon was Y/n's new cure. Then Jisung came into the picture and it was bye-bye to the nightmares.

"When did it start again?" He asks. "It just started again tonight. Probably from when I saw that box earlier today." She sniffled. He walked closer to her. "I know we discussed this earlier but-"

Y/n cut off Jisung by dropping from her chair and pulling him into her arms for a hug.

The New Girl |Hwang Hyunjin| ✔Where stories live. Discover now